Ulambators MatrixBlock class (matrixblock.cpp) v0.3

This class contains functions to create and solve a matrix of the discretized Brinkan equation. In the following the functions have been regrouped into the categories:


  • Initilisation procedure

  • Matrix creation

  • Dynamic and static boundary conditions

  • Problem solving

  • Time marching

  • Writing data

  • Field data export

  • Ubiquitous subroutines

The header optionally contains OpenMP support.

#include "matrixblock.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // for C++ #include <cmath> #endif #include <math.h> #include "combase.h" #include <iomanip> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <sys/time.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <direct.h> #include <Winsock2.h> #include <Windows.h> #endif #include <time.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h>  #if defined (_OPENMP)     #include <omp.h> #endif  using namespace std;


MatrixBlock::MatrixBlock(BndBlock *bembl, double aspectratio, double viscRatio, double capillaryNumber) {

The constructor of the MatrixBlock class is called with the information from the BoundaryBlock that contains the geometrical data, the aspect ratio $L/H$, the viscosity ratio $\mu_\textrm{dispersed}$ over $\mu_\textrm{bulk}$ and a capillary number. A loop checks whether all declared boundaries have been set.

    bem = bembl;     for (int n=0; n<bem->nbBlocks; n++) {         cout<<"Check boundary "<<bem->Elements[n].nbPanRes<<" of "<<bem->Elements[n].nbPanels<<"\n"<<flush;         if (!(bem->Elements[n].nbPanels==bem->Elements[n].nbPanRes)){             cout<<"Boundary "<<n<<" has "<<bem->Elements[n].nbPanels<<" instead of "<<bem->Elements[n].nbPanRes<<" Panels.\n"<<"Program stopped!"<<flush;             exit(0);         }     }

The initialization of the BoundaryBlock is finalized.


Variables beeing initilized. The aspect ratio $L/H$ is changed into a permeability kF$=\sqrt{12}L/H$.

    widerange = 100.0;     midrange = 50.0;      parabc1 = 0;     parabc2 = 0;     nSubSteps = 0;     kF = sqrt(12.0)*aspectratio;     Lambda = viscRatio;     Ca = capillaryNumber;     writeEnabled = 0;     nbTracers = 0;          timefactor = 0;     zerotime = 0;     prcndsing = 0;     arrest = 0;     channelheight = 1.0/aspectratio;     workdir = new char[120];     nOFm = bem->getAllSize();

Gauss points and integration weights are provided for 3 point and 6 point integration.

    IGP = new double[6];     IGW = new double[6];     GP3 = new double[3];     GW3 = new double[3];      GP3[0] = -0.77459666924148337703;     GP3[1] = 0.0;     GP3[2] = -0.77459666924148337703;     GW3[0] = 0.555555555555555555555;     GW3[1] = 0.888888888888888888888;     GW3[2] = 0.555555555555555555555;          IGP[0] = -0.932469514203152;     IGP[1] = -0.661209386466265;     IGP[2] = -0.238619186083197;     IGP[3] = 0.238619186083197;     IGP[4] = 0.661209386466265;     IGP[5] = 0.932469514203152;     IGW[0] = 0.171324492379170;     IGW[1] = 0.360761573048139;     IGW[2] = 0.467913934572691;     IGW[3] = 0.467913934572691;     IGW[4] = 0.360761573048139;     IGW[5] = 0.171324492379170;

Memory for the matrix A, right hand side rhs and two vectors is reserved.

    A = (double*) calloc ((nOFm+10)*(nOFm+10),sizeof(double));     rhs = (double*) calloc (nOFm+10,sizeof(double));     u1vec = (double*) calloc (nOFm+10,sizeof(double));     u2vec = (double*) calloc (nOFm+10,sizeof(double));     cout<<"Matrix Block initiated with "<<nOFm<<" unknowns.\n"<<"Problem parameters, Ca:"<<capillaryNumber<<" lambda:"<<viscRatio<<" R/H:"<<aspectratio<<"\n";

A number of pointers is initialized that provides access to some BoundaryBlock variables.

    dynblock = bem->dynblock;     dynpanel = bem->dynpanels;     ifblock = bem->ifblock;     nbBlocks = bem->nbBlocks;     fixsize = bem->getFixSize();     thedropbc = 0;     thestatbc = 0;     applybc = &MatrixBlock::Standard;          bndtype = bem->allBCtype;     bndvalue1 = bem->allBCX;     bndvalue2 = bem->allBCY;

If desired the number of cores can be limited here by uncommenting the omp_set_num_threads.

    #ifdef _OPENMP             //omp_set_num_threads(2); //number_of_desired_cores     #endif }

Building the matrix

The following two routines build the matrix and right-hand-side using the geometry and boundary conditions.

void MatrixBlock::Build(double deltatime){

This routine builds the matrix, all the subsequent routines that make up for the different boundary conditions are stored in matblc1.cpp. First a routine checks that the matrix size did not change. Then matrix and right-hand-side are set to zero. Variables for the boundary conditions are allocated.

    UpdateNOFM();     ResetMR(A, rhs);     double varA,varB, varC;     int varI;          for (int block = 0; block<bem->nbPanels; block++) {

The respective boundary condition index is stored in varI, if precondensation is used the index is advanced by $30$.

        varI = bndtype[block] + 30*prcndsing;         varA = bem->allBCX[block];         varB = bem->allBCY[block];         switch (varI) {

Fixed boundaries in the bulk fluid

            case 0:                 ZeroVel(block);                 break;             case 1:                 NormVel(block, varA, varB, 1.0);                 break;             case 2:                 Pressure(block, varA, 1.0);                 break;             case 3:                 Poiseuille(block, varA, 1.0);                 break;             case 4:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 FlatVel(block, varA, varB,varC, 1.0);                 break;             case 5:                 InfiniBox(varA, varB);                 break;             case 6:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 InfiniSource(varA, varB, varC, 1.0);                 break;             case 7:                 InfiniLinearFlow(varA, varB, 1.0);                 break;             case 8:                 FiniLinearFlow(block, varA, varB, 1.0);                 break;             case 9:                 POX(block, varA, 1.0);                 break;             case 10:                 SineFlow(block, varA, varB, 1.0);                 break;

Fixed boundaries in the dispersed fluid

            case 11:                 NormVel(block, varA, varB, Lambda);                 break;             case 12:                 Pressure(block, varA, Lambda);                 break;             case 13:                 Poiseuille(block, varA, Lambda);                 break;             case 14:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 FlatVel(block, varA, varB,varC, Lambda);             case 16:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 InfiniSource(varA, varB, varC, Lambda);                 break;             case 19:                 POX(block, varA, Lambda);                 break;             case 20:                 SineFlow(block, varA, varB, Lambda);

Liquid interface boundary conditions

            case 21:                 CircTrac(block, deltatime);                 break;             case 22:                 BoosThess(block);                 break;                 /*    case 23:                  BordTrac(block, deltatime);                  break;  */

PreCondensation boundary conditions for fixed boundaries in the bulk fluid

            case 30:                 SZeroVel(block);                 break;             case 31:                 SNormVel(block, varA, varB, 1.0);                 break;             case 32:                 SPressure(block, varA, 1.0);                 break;             case 33:                 SPoiseuille(block, varA, 1.0);                 break;             case 34:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 SFlatVel(block, varA, varB,varC, 1.0);                 break;             case 39:                 SPOX(block, varA, 1.0);                 break;             case 40:                 SSineFlow(block, varA, varB, 1.0);

PreCondensation boundary conditions for fixed boundaries in the dispersed fluid

            case 41:                 NormVel(block, varA, varB, Lambda);                 break;             case 42:                 Pressure(block, varA, Lambda);                 break;             case 43:                 SPoiseuille(block, varA, Lambda);                 break;             case 44:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 FlatVel(block, varA, varB,varC, Lambda);             case 46:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 InfiniSource(varA, varB, varC, Lambda);                 break;             case 49:                 SPOX(block, varA, Lambda);                 break;             case 50:                 SSineFlow(block, varA, varB, Lambda);

PreCondensation boundary conditions for liquid interfaces

            case 51:                 SCircTrac(block, deltatime);                 break;                 /*    case 53:                  SBordTrac(block, deltatime);                  break;  */             default:                 cout<<"ERROR BC in build not found! Program stopped!\n";                 exit(0);                 break;         }     } }

Building the right-hand-side for flow field visualisation

void MatrixBlock::BuildVisual(int points, double *Xpos, double *Ypos, double *U, double *V, double *P, int *Dom){

This routine is similar to Build() except that no matrix is created but all values that were formaly in the matrix become multiplied by the solution and accounted on the right-hand-side. This allows to retrieve the velocity and pressure at the pole of the singularity. Near the liquid interface the singular behaviour is avoid by replacing the integrated value by the nearest velocity on the interface. The pressure near close to the interface is set zero because of ambiguity since the pressure is discontinuous there. A number of points and vector of Xpos and Ypos is passed. The vectors U,V and P give back the values. Dom indicates with an integer in domain the point is located, -1 for the bulk fluid and down for each droplet (i.e. -2 for being inside the first droplet). Positive values indicate that the velocity of a boundary node is to be used instead.

    double varA,varB, varC;     int varI;

Allocate memory for the unknowns.

    fill_n(U,points,0.0);     fill_n(V,points,0.0);     fill_n(P,points,0.0);          for (int block = 0; block<bem->nbPanels; block++) {

The respective boundary condition index is stored in varI, if precondensation is used the index is advanced by $30$.

        varI = bndtype[block];         varA = bem->allBCX[block];         varB = bem->allBCY[block];         switch (varI) {

Fixed boundaries in the bulk fluid

            case 0:                 VisuZeroVel(block, Xpos, Ypos, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 1:                 VisuNormVel(block, Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 2:                 VisuPressure(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 3:                 VisuPoiseuille(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 4:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 VisuFlatVel(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, varC, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 5:                 VisuInfiniBox(Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, points, U, V, P, Dom);                 break;             case 6:                 VisuInfiniSource(Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, varC, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 7:                 VisuLinearFlow(Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, points, U, V, P, Dom);                 break;             case 8:                 VisuFiniFlow(block, Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 9:                 VisuPOX(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 10:                 VisuSineFlow(block, Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, 1.0, points, U, V, P);                 break;

Fixed boundaries in the dispersed fluid

            case 11:                 VisuNormVel(block, Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, Lambda, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 12:                 VisuPressure(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, Lambda, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 13:                 VisuPoiseuille(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, Lambda, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 14:                 varC = bem->allBCZ[block];                 VisuFlatVel(block,Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, varC, Lambda, points, U, V, P);                 break;             case 16:                 VisuInfiniSource(Xpos, Ypos, varA, varB, varC, Lambda, points, U, V, P);             case 19:                 VisuPOX(block, Xpos, Ypos, varA, Lambda, points, U, V, P);                 break;

Case 20 SineFlow is missing! Liquid interface boundary conditions

            case 21:                 VisuCircTrac(block,Xpos, Ypos, points, U, V, P);                 break;                 /*      case 23:                  VisuBordTrac(block,Xpos, Ypos, points, U, V, P);                  break;  */             default:                 cout<<"ERROR BC in BuildVisual not found!\n";                 break;         }     }          for (int k=0; k<points; k++) {

Depending whether the point is inside a droplet or not the viscosity ratio $\lambda$ needs to be added. Divison by $2\pi$ or $4\pi$ is due to the domain integral value of the singularity.

        P[k] = P[k]/(2*M_PI);         if (Dom[k]<-1){             U[k] = U[k]/(4*M_PI*Lambda);             V[k] = V[k]/(4*M_PI*Lambda);

The constant pressure jump is added. We avoid to integrate this contribution along the interface because small errors in the curvature become amplified by this often large value.

            P[k] += 2.0/channelheight;         } else if(Dom[k]==-1){             U[k] = U[k]/(4*M_PI);             V[k] = V[k]/(4*M_PI);           } else {

If the point is close to the interface the integrated value is discarded and the value of the closest point on the interface is used.

            U[k] = rhs[2*Dom[k]];             V[k] = rhs[2*Dom[k]+1];             P[k] = 0;         }     } }

Interfacial boundary conditions

Setting the static boundary condition

void MatrixBlock::ChoseStatBC(int choice, double para1, double para2){

This procedure sets a boundary condition, which modifies the liquid interface boundary condition due to geometrical models. Those include for instance indentations in the top or bottom channel confinement, which change the out-of-plane curvature of a droplet. The models are described in the manual.

    thestatbc = choice;     statbc1 = para1;     statbc2 = para2;     switch (choice) {

Curvature dependence due to thin film formation. Still in debugging!

        case 1:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Meiburg;             cout<<"Stat BC is Meiburg\n";             break;

A groove in the channel walls that functions as a microfluidic rail.

        case 2:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Rail;             cout<<"Stat BC is Rail\n";             break;

An indentation in the channel top or bottom walls.

        case 3:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Hole;             cout<<"Stat BC is Hole\n";             break;

Array of holes.

        case 4:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::HoleArray;             cout<<"Stat BC is HoleArray\n";             break;

A slope of the channel height.

        case 5:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Wedge;             cout<<"Stat BC is Wedge\n";             break;

A step-wise change in the channel height.

        case 6:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Marche;             cout<<"Stat BC is Step\n";             break;

Assuming the liquid menisc is not curved but flat. Visualization may be wrong. This serves to separate Marangoni effects into contributions from tangential motion and contribution from pressure jump out-of-plane curvature.

        case 7:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Flatborder;             cout<<"Stat BC is No Meniscus\n";             break;

Exceptionally not an influence of the interface shape but a centrifugal force on the droplet that is transformed into a interface force. Visualization will not get the centrifugal pressure contribution.

        case 8:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Rotate;             cout<<"Stat BC is Rotate\n";             break;

Exceptionally not an influence of the interface shape but a gravitational force on the droplet that is transformed into a interface force. Visualization will not get the centrifugal pressure contribution.

        case 9:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Gravity;             cout<<"Stat BC is Gravity\n";             break;

A custom boundary condition that can be edited by the user.

        case 10:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::CustomStatBC;             cout<<"Stat BC is Custom\n";

A simple menisc of curvature $\pi/4 \cdot 2/h$.

        default:             applybc = &MatrixBlock::Standard;             cout<<"Stat BC is Standard\n";             break;     } }

Setting dynamic boundary conditions

void MatrixBlock::ChoseDynBC(int choice, double para1, double para2){

This procedure sets the droplet interfacial tension to a possibly position dependent value. If the surface tension is modelled as temperature dependent, then this is the low Peclet number regime, where a heat source is prescribed and heat diffusion is much faster then heat convection. The actual influence on the surface tension can be seen in function LocalGam or the manual.

    thedropbc = choice;     parabc1 = para1;     parabc2 = para2;          switch (choice) {

A Gaussian of surface tension.

        case 1:             cout<<"Dyn BC is Focussed\n";             break;

A linear surface tension gradient.

        case 2:             cout<<"Dyn BC is Gradient\n";             break;

A linear hat function that models the presenced of a haeting wire.

        case 3:             cout<<"Dyn BC is Wire\n";             break;

A custom boundary condition that can be edited by the user.

        case 10:             cout<<"Dyn BC is Custom\n";

A constant surface tension.

        default:             cout<<"Dyn BC is Constant\n";             break;     } }

Static boundary conditions

void MatrixBlock::Flatborder(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double Kc, double& f1, double& f2){     f1 = 0.0;     f2 = 0.0; }  void MatrixBlock::Standard(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){

The constant curvature at constant reference surface tension is subtracted, because its net influence is zero and it may amplify errors by 1/channelheight, which is large in the limit of flat channels. Deviations from the reference surface tension are included by $\gamma$-1.

    f1 =  -2.0*(gamma-1.0)/channelheight*Nx;     f2 =  -2.0*(gamma-1.0)/channelheight*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::Hole(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){

Effect of a hole on the curvature. The constant curvature and surface tension are subtracted. The resulting effective curvature $\kappa_{eff} = \frac{2}{h}(-\ln(2) \frac{r_h^2}{h^2}e^{-(r^2/r_h^2)^4}+(\gamma-1)/(1+\frac{r_h^2}{h^2} e^{-\ln(2)(r^2/r_h^2)^4})$. The parameter statbc1 prescribes the radius of the hole.

    double rhP2 = statbc1*statbc1;     double kappaeff;     double rhE2 = rhP2/(channelheight*channelheight);     double r2 = Xp*Xp + Yp*Yp;     kappaeff = 2.0/channelheight*(-rhE2*exp(-pow(r2/rhP2,4)*0.69315)+(gamma-1.0))/(1.0+rhE2*exp(-pow(r2/rhP2,4)*0.69315));

The effective force is projected on the normal vector and f1 will act in the x direction and f2 in the y direction.

    f1 = -kappaeff*Nx;     f2 = -kappaeff*Ny; }   void MatrixBlock::HoleArray(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){

An array of holes. Number m in x times number n in y. The parameter statbc2 that is set in the routine ChoseStatBC defines the spacing in between the holes. The parameter statbc1 prescribes the radius of the hole.

    int m =2, n=2;          double rhP2 = statbc1*statbc1;     double kappaeff;     double rhE2 = rhP2/(channelheight*channelheight);

Finding the closest hole and determine the square of the distance r2.

    double r2 = 1000.0;     double Xp0, Yp0;     for (int i=0; i<m; i++) {         for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {             Xp0 = Xp - (i-(m-1)*0.5)*statbc2;             Yp0 = Yp - (j-(n-1)*0.5)*statbc2;             r2= min(Xp0*Xp0 + Yp0*Yp0,r2);         }     }

The rest is analog to the routine Hole. Whenever another configuration of holes is desired one should create a Custom boundary condition, copy paste this routine and modify it.

    kappaeff = 2.0/channelheight*(-rhE2*exp(-pow(r2/rhP2,4)*0.69315)+(gamma-1.0))/(1.0+rhE2*exp(-pow(r2/rhP2,4)*0.69315));     f1 = kappaeff*Nx;     f2 = kappaeff*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::Rail(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){

Effect of a rail

    double nG;     double rhE2 = statbc1*statbc1;     double kappaeff = 2.0*rhE2/(channelheight*(rhE2+1.0))*(rhE2<=1) + (-1.0/(channelheight*sqrt(rhE2))+2.0/channelheight)*(rhE2>1);     rhE2 = rhE2*channelheight*channelheight;     double r2 = pow(Yp-2.0*sin(Xp/2.0),2);        kappaeff = -2.0/channelheight/(1.0+rhE2*exp(-pow(r2/rhE2,4)*0.69315) );     nG  = kappaeff;          f1 = nG*Nx;     f2 = nG*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::Meiburg(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double fifac, double& f1, double& f2){         //  Obsolete, ForceFree in matblc1.cpp takes this functionality

THIS is strictly explicit and no good after remeshing

    double nG;  //   nG  = fifac*pow(fabs(Unorm),0.666666)*(3.8*(Unorm>=0.0)-1.13*(Unorm<0.0));    // nG = fifac*pow(fabs(Unorm),0.666666)*(2.465+1.335*tanh(40*Unorm))*(1-2*(Unorm<0));    // nG = fifac*pow(fabs(Unorm),0.666666)*(3.8*(Unorm>=0.0)-1.13*(Unorm<0.0))*tanh(20*fabs(Unorm));     nG = -kF/sqrt(3)*pow(fabs(Unorm),0.66666666)*(-1.13+2.465*(tanh(20*Unorm)+1.0)); //  f1 = -3*nG*Nx; //  f2 = -3*nG*Ny;      f1 = nG*Nx;     f2 = nG*Ny; }   void MatrixBlock::Wedge(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){

Wedged channel , where the height changes gradually

    // double tmp = 2.0/(statbc1*Xp+statbc2*Xp+channelheight);     double tmp = -2.0*(statbc1*Xp+statbc2*Yp)/((statbc1*Xp+statbc2*Yp+1.0)*channelheight);     f1 = (gamma*(1.0-M_PI_4)-tmp)*Nx;     f2 = (gamma*(1.0-M_PI_4)-tmp)*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::Marche(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){

Steep step in a channel

    double tmp;     Yp = Yp-1.0;      if(Yp<-1.0*channelheight*statbc2){         tmp = 0.0;     } else if (Yp>3.0*channelheight*statbc2) {         tmp = - 2.0*statbc1/(channelheight*(1.0+statbc1));     } else {         tmp = statbc1*(1.0+tanh(4.0*Yp/(channelheight*statbc2)-2.0));         tmp = - 2.0*tmp/(channelheight*(2.0 + tmp));     }             f1 = -tmp*Nx;     f2 = -tmp*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::Rotate(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){     // boundary condition for centrifugal forces para1 = 0.5*We/Rb, para2 = y0 center of rotation //  f1 = 0.5*statbc1*(Xp*Xp+(Yp-statbc2)*(Yp-statbc2))*Nx; //  f2 = 0.5*statbc1*(Xp*Xp+(Yp-statbc2)*(Yp-statbc2))*Ny;          f1 = 0.5*statbc1*(Yp*Yp+(Xp-statbc2)*(Xp-statbc2))*Nx;     f2 = 0.5*statbc1*(Yp*Yp+(Xp-statbc2)*(Xp-statbc2))*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::Gravity(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){     // boundary condition for gravitational force, statbc indicate direction and |statbc| = rho*g     f1 = (statbc1*Xp+statbc2*Yp)*Nx;     f2 = (statbc1*Xp+statbc2*Yp)*Ny; }  void MatrixBlock::CustomStatBC(double Xp, double Yp, double Nx, double Ny, double Unorm, double gamma, double& f1, double& f2){     // Custom function. Nothing is defined here. We prescribe a surface tension of 1 just as `Standard`. This is free to be edited by the user.     f1 =  -2.0*(gamma-1.0)/channelheight*Nx;     f2 =  -2.0*(gamma-1.0)/channelheight*Ny; }

Dynamic boundary conditions/Variation of surface tension.

double MatrixBlock::LocalGam(int dropId, int nL, int nR){

Assignes values to the surface tension in the domain

    double lcGamma, varA, varB, varC;     double Xp = 0;     double Yp = 0;           switch (thedropbc) {         case 1:

Focussed Marangoni at (0, Yl)

            Xp = 0.5*(bem->allXId[dropId][nL]+bem->allXId[dropId][nR])-0.0;             Yp = 0.5*(bem->allYId[dropId][nL]+bem->allYId[dropId][nR])-0.0;             varB = 0.69315/(parabc2*parabc2);             varC = exp(-varB*(Xp*Xp+Yp*Yp));             lcGamma  = 1.0+parabc1*varC;             break;         case 2:


            Xp = 0.5*(bem->allXId[dropId][nL]+bem->allXId[dropId][nR]);             Yp = 0.5*(bem->allYId[dropId][nL]+bem->allYId[dropId][nR]);             lcGamma = 1.0+Xp*parabc1+Yp*parabc2;             break;         case 3:


            Yp = 0.5*(bem->allYId[dropId][nL]+bem->allYId[dropId][nR]);             varA = (Yp>(-parabc2))*(parabc2+Yp)+(Yp>0.0)*(-2.0*Yp)+(Yp>parabc2)*(-parabc2+Yp);             lcGamma = 1.0+parabc1*varA;             break;         case 10:

Custom function. Nothing is defined here. We prescribe a surface tension of 1 just as the default. This is free to be edited by the user.

            lcGamma = 1.0;             break;

Constant surface tension.

        default:             lcGamma = 1.0;             break;     }     return lcGamma;      }

Forces due to VdW or droplet Rayleigh-Plateau instability.

double MatrixBlock::SpecialForces(int DropId, int Vertex){

Sums all contributions from pinching to VanDerWaals and other repulsion forces No Marangoni effect included

    double WallHamacker = 0;     double DropHamacker = 0; // positive means repulsion     double ForceBreakUp;     double ForceVanDerWalls;     double ForceVanDerFusion;

The force due to a droplet menisc whose curvature is higher than the half-channel height. This would be a consequence of the formation of a droplet ligament, whose diameter is smaller than the channel height. NOT YET INCLUDED.

    ForceBreakUp = -bem->allCdist[DropId][Vertex];

This very simplistic inclusion of Van-der-Waals forces considers the decay rate with a 3rd power, which is appropriate for repulsion between two parallel plates.

    ForceVanDerWalls = -WallHamacker*pow(bem->allWdist[DropId][Vertex],-3);     ForceVanDerFusion = -DropHamacker*pow(bem->allRdist[DropId][Vertex],-3);          return ForceBreakUp+ForceVanDerFusion+ForceVanDerWalls; }

Problem solving

Precondensation/Guass Block-Diagonalization

If the decompose the matrix into 4 blocks, of which one is the influence of the wall on the boundary elements on the wall, you can can solve before hand the wall problem. The function PreCondense calculates the inverse of this wall problem, which allows by Gauss Block elimination by matrix/matrix matrix/vector multiplications to reduce the final problem. The remaining matrix that has to be solved contains only the influence of the droplet on the boundary elements on the droplet.

void MatrixBlock::PreCondense(){     if (fixsize>0) {

The precondensation is only done if there is an outer boundary. Change the matrix size as to build only the matrix for fixed walls.

        int bufferPan = bem->nbPanels;         int bufferNM = nOFm;         int bufferblocks = nbBlocks;         prcndsing = 0;         bem->nbPanels = bem->dynpanels;         nOFm = 2*fixsize;         nbBlocks = dynblock;         bem->nbBlocks =  dynblock;

Build matrix and invert it.

        Build(0.0);         memcpy(u2vec, rhs, 2*fixsize*sizeof(double));         dgeinv(A, 2*fixsize);

Undo prior changes such that the mobile interfaces are included again.

        prcndsing = 1;         bem->nbPanels = bufferPan;         nOFm = bufferNM;         nbBlocks = bufferblocks;         bem->nbBlocks  = bufferblocks;         cout<<"Matrix PreCondensed\n";     } else {         cout<<"No fixed boundaries - Matrix NOT PreCondensed\n";     } }

Solve a matrix.

void MatrixBlock::Solve(){

This solves the matrix, either in a precondensation way if precondensed or in the usual way by calling the respective modified LAPACK routine. The matrix A, right hand side rhs and matrix size/submatrix sizes are passed.

    if (prcndsing) {         dgesch(A, rhs, fixsize*2, nOFm-2*fixsize);     } else {         dgesv(A, rhs, nOFm);     } }      // int MatrixBlock::RunRigidRK1(double dgap, double *move){     // int MatrixBlock::RunRigidRK2(double dgap, double *move){     // int MatrixBlock::RunRigidManual(double dgap, double *move){

A single step Euler explicit.

int MatrixBlock::RunOne(){

Do one iteration (matrix create and solve), evolve the interface and update the timestep.

    Build(deltaT0);     Solve();     bem->allEvolve(1.0, 0.0, deltaT0, rhs);     bem->allStock();     bem->runstep++;     bem->runtime += deltaT0;     return 0; }

One step Euler explicit/Runge Kutta scheme.

int MatrixBlock::SolveRK1(){

Initialize variables for time adaptation.

    int status = 0;     double stretch =1.0;     double deltaT = deltaT0;     cout<<"RK1";

Perform nSubSteps iterations. At first SeedDrop remeshes the droplet if necessary.

    for (int n=0; n<nSubSteps; ++n) {         bem->SeedDrop();         dominantForce = 0;

Create and solve the problem.

        Build(deltaT);         Solve();

Determine if the time step should be reduced with DetTime, then evolve the interface.

        stretch = DetTime();         deltaT = deltaT0*stretch;         AdvanceTimestep(deltaT, 1);              cout<<"."<<flush;     }     bem->runstep++;     return status; }      // int MatrixBlock::SolveFilm(){

2nd order Runge Kutta scheme.

int MatrixBlock::SolveRK2(){

Initialize variables for time adaptation.

    int status = 0;     double stretch = 1.0;     double deltaT = deltaT0;     cout<<"RK2";

Perform nSubSteps iterations. At first SeedDrop remeshes the droplet if necessary.

    for (int n=0; n<nSubSteps; ++n) {         bem->SeedDrop();

Step 1: Create and solve the problem, then move the interface.

        Build(deltaT);         Solve();         bem->allEvolve(1.0, 0.0, deltaT, &rhs[2*fixsize]);

Step 2: Create and solve the problem, then advance interface and time.

        Build(deltaT);         Solve();         stretch = DetTime();         deltaT = deltaT0*stretch;         AdvanceTimestep(deltaT, 2);                  cout<<"."<<flush;     }     bem->runstep++;     return status; }

Routines dedicated to time marching

void MatrixBlock::setTimeStep(double dT, int nSteps){     deltaT0 = dT;     nSubSteps = nSteps;     cout<<"Time stepping set, dt:"<<dT<<" with "<<nSteps<<" Substeps\n"; }  void MatrixBlock::Asifstep(int blockId, double& Xcm, double& Ycm){     // pretend a move get center of mass and get back     Build(deltaT0);     Solve();     bem->Evolve(blockId, 0.0, 1.0, deltaT0, &rhs[2*fixsize]);     bem->getCoM(blockId, Xcm, Ycm);     bem->Evolve(blockId, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, &rhs[2*fixsize]); }  double MatrixBlock::DetTime(){     // determine a aproproate time step in case of strong forcing     double timestretch = 1;     if (timefactor>0) {         timestretch = max(floor(deltaT0*dominantForce/timefactor),1.0);     }     return 1.0/timestretch; }  void MatrixBlock::AdvanceTimestep(double deltaT, int modus){

Move tracers by solution

    double schmidt = 100.0;  // diff length = sqrt(Sc*dt) , we multiply schmidt by two because normalization is with sum of viscsoities     double scatter;     double *uvel, *vvel, *dummy, *oldTrX, *oldTrY;     int *dommy, dom, coupe;          if (nbTracers>0) {         oldTrX = (double*) calloc (nbTracers,sizeof(double));         oldTrY = (double*) calloc (nbTracers,sizeof(double));         memcpy(oldTrX, xTracers, nbTracers*sizeof(double));         memcpy(oldTrY, yTracers, nbTracers*sizeof(double));         uvel = (double*) calloc (nbTracers,sizeof(double));         vvel = (double*) calloc (nbTracers,sizeof(double));         dummy = (double*) calloc (nbTracers,sizeof(double));         dommy = (int*) calloc (nbTracers,sizeof(int));         schmidt = sqrt(deltaT/schmidt);                  fill_n(dommy, nbTracers, -1);                  BuildVisual(nbTracers, xTracers, yTracers, uvel, vvel, dummy, dommy);         for (int n=0; n<nbTracers; n++) {             scatter = rand();             scatter = scatter*2.0*M_PI/RAND_MAX;             xTracers[n] += deltaT*uvel[n] + schmidt*cos(scatter);             yTracers[n] += deltaT*vvel[n] + schmidt*sin(scatter);         }     }          if (modus==1){         // One step advance         bem->allEvolve(1.0, 0.0, deltaT, &rhs[2*fixsize]);     } else if (modus==2){         // Two step 2/2 advance         bem->allEvolve(0.5, 0.5, deltaT*0.5, &rhs[2*fixsize]);     }              bem->runtime += deltaT;     bem->allStock();      bem->correctArea();     bem->allStock();          if (nbTracers>0) {         for (int n=0; n<nbTracers; n++) {                         dom = FigInOut(xTracers[n], yTracers[n], 0.0);             coupe = 0;             while (dom!=-1) {                 scatter = rand();                 scatter = scatter*10*M_PI/RAND_MAX;                 xTracers[n] = oldTrX[n] + deltaT*uvel[n] + schmidt*cos(scatter);                 yTracers[n] = oldTrY[n] + deltaT*vvel[n] + schmidt*sin(scatter);                 dom = FigInOut(xTracers[n], yTracers[n], 0.0);                                  if(coupe>3){                     cout<<" Outsider remains after 50 tries! ";                     break;                 }                 coupe++;             }         }         delete uvel;         delete vvel;         delete dummy;         delete dommy;     } }  void MatrixBlock::DistributeTracers(int thenumTr, double Xd, double Yd, double Dd){

Distribute tracers

    if(thenumTr>0){         srand (time(NULL));              int circles, circum;         nbTracers = 0;         xTracers = (double*) calloc (thenumTr,sizeof(double));         yTracers = (double*) calloc (thenumTr,sizeof(double));         double alpha = 0.0;         double raddi = Dd;              nbTracers = 1;         xTracers[0] = Xd;         yTracers[0] = Yd;         circles = ceil( -0.5+sqrt(0.25 + thenumTr*1.0/M_PI ));              for (int n=1; n<circles; n++) {             circum = floor(2*M_PI*n);             for (int p=0; p<circum; p++) {                 raddi = n*Dd/circles;                 alpha = 2*p*M_PI/circum;                 xTracers[nbTracers] = Xd+raddi*cos(alpha);                 yTracers[nbTracers] = Yd+raddi*sin(alpha);                 nbTracers ++;             }         }     } }

Writing data

void MatrixBlock::EnableWrite(char* save2dir){

Set path for writing and reading data

    workdir = save2dir;     writeEnabled = 1;     bem->EnableWrite(save2dir); }  void MatrixBlock::SubFolder(char *subdir){

Creates a subfolder and checks if it does not already exist

    char logurl[120];     sprintf(logurl, "%s/%s%c",workdir.c_str(), subdir, '\0');     cout<<"Writing enabled to: "<<workdir.c_str()<<"\n";  #ifdef _MSC_VER     if (_mkdir(logurl) == -1) {         cout << "\nSubfolder already exists \nAborting\n";         DisableWrite();         exit(0);     } #else     if (mkdir(logurl, 0777) == -1) {         cout << "\nSubfolder already exists \nAborting\n";         DisableWrite();         exit(0);     } #endif      EnableWrite(logurl); }  void MatrixBlock::SensorEnable(int sid){

Clear Sensor File

    char strL[128];     string filedir;     sprintf(strL,"%s/sensor%d.txt",workdir.c_str(),sid);     FILE* sensorfile;     sensorfile = fopen(strL,"w");     fclose(sensorfile); }   void MatrixBlock::LogPrepare(int logid, char *disclaimer){

Create a file for log and if exists delete its content, for appending don’t call this procedure

    char* logurl;     logurl = new char[120];     sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logid);     logfile = fopen(logurl, "w");     assert(logfile!=NULL);     fprintf(logfile,"%s", disclaimer);     fclose(logfile); }  void MatrixBlock::LogRuntime(int logid){     timeval jetzt; #ifdef _WIN32 //  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&jetzt); #else     gettimeofday(&jetzt, 0); #endif     char logurl[120];     double runtime =  clock()*1.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;     sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logid);     logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");     fprintf(logfile, "%f\n", runtime);     fclose(logfile); }  void MatrixBlock::LogCfg(){

Logs: nSubsteps, deltaT, BC1value, BC2value, nbBlocks, R/H, lambda, Ca, NULL

    char logurl[120];     sprintf(logurl,"%s/ulam_cfg.txt", workdir.c_str());     logfile = fopen(logurl, "w");     fprintf(logfile,"%d %f %f %f %f %d %d %d", nSubSteps, deltaT0, kF/sqrt(12.0), Lambda, Ca, nbBlocks, ifblock,  nOFm);     fclose(logfile); }  void MatrixBlock::LogCustom(int logid, int modusid){     char logurl[120];     sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logid);          switch(modusid){         case 0:             break;

Case 1: Extract Pressure Data along a line

        case 1:         {             double *Xp, *Yp, *Prs, *Uv, *Vv, theta;             int *dom_assign;             int the_samples = 300;                          dom_assign = new int[the_samples];             Xp = new double[the_samples];             Yp = new double[the_samples];             Uv = new double[the_samples];             Vv = new double[the_samples];             Prs = new double[the_samples];                          for (int j =0; j<the_samples; j++) {                 if (logid==1) {                     //Circle                     theta = j*M_PI/(the_samples-1.0);                     Xp[j] = -1.4884*cos(theta)+1.2960;                     Yp[j] =  1.4884*sin(theta);                 } else {                     //Line                     theta = j*4.0/(the_samples-1)-0.5;                     Xp[j] = theta;                     Yp[j] = 0.0;                 }                 dom_assign[j] = FigInOut(Xp[j], Yp[j], 0.0);             }                          BuildVisual(the_samples, Xp, Yp, Uv, Vv, Prs, dom_assign);                          logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");             for (int j=0; j<the_samples; j++) {                 fprintf(logfile, "%f %f %f %f %f %d\n", Xp[j], Yp[j], Uv[j], Vv[j], Prs[j], dom_assign[j]);             }             fclose(logfile);             break;         }

Case 2: output of position and angle for fibers with 800 nodes

        case 2:         {             double xcm, ycm;             double angle = (bem->Elements[1].YId[0][320]-bem->Elements[1].YId[0][80])/sqrt(pow(bem->Elements[1].XId[0][320]-bem->Elements[1].XId[0][80],2)+pow(bem->Elements[1].YId[0][320]-bem->Elements[1].YId[0][80],2));             // fiber with 500 nodes             //  double angle = (bem->Elements[1].YId[0][240]-bem->Elements[1].YId[0][50])/sqrt(pow(bem->Elements[1].XId[0][240]-bem->Elements[1].XId[0][50],2)+pow(bem->Elements[1].YId[0][240]-bem->Elements[1].YId[0][50],2));                          logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");             bem->getCoM(1,xcm, ycm);             fprintf(logfile, "%f %f %f %f\n", xcm, ycm, angle, bem->runtime);                          fclose(logfile);             break;         }

Case 3: Output of boundary data

        case 3:         {             int nbpoints = 10;                          double *ut = new double[nbpoints];             double *vt = new double[nbpoints];             double *pt = new double[nbpoints];             double *xt = new double[nbpoints];             double *yt = new double[nbpoints];             int *subdom = new int[nbpoints];                          std::fill_n(subdom, nbpoints, -1);                          for(int j=0; j<nbpoints; j++){                 xt[j] = 0.5*(bem->Elements[1].XId[0][j]+bem->Elements[1].XId[0][j+1]);                 yt[j] = 0.5*(bem->Elements[1].YId[0][j]+bem->Elements[1].YId[0][j+1]);             }                          BuildVisual(10, xt, yt, ut, vt, pt, subdom);                          double forza[3];             getForce(1, 1, forza , rhs);             logfile = fopen(logurl, "w");             for (int j=0; j<nbpoints; j++) {                 fprintf(logfile, "%f %f %f %f %f\n", xt[j], yt[j], ut[j], vt[j], pt[j]);             }             fclose(logfile);             break;         }     } }  void MatrixBlock::Result(int fid){

Write the result to file

    char cname[128];     cout<< "save results ";     FILE* rrfile;          sprintf(cname, "%s/results%i.dat",workdir.c_str(),fid);     rrfile = fopen(cname,"w");          //  fprintf(rrfile, "%i \n", (nOFm-3)/2);     for(int n=0; n<(nOFm/2); n++){         fprintf(rrfile, "%3.15f %3.15f\n", rhs[2*n], rhs[2*n+1]);     }          fclose(rrfile); }  void MatrixBlock::BoosThessPrintAnalytic(){

Calculate and write to screen analytic solution of Boos and Thess

    double K0, K1, I1, I2;          bessk01(kF, K0, K1);     bessi12(kF, I1, I2);     double r_boosthess = I2*K0/(I2*(kF*K1+2*K0)+Lambda*K0*(kF*I1-2*I2));          double errormax = 0;     for (int i=0; i<bem->Elements[0].PanelSize[0]; i++) {         errormax = max(errormax, fabs(r_boosthess*0.5*(bem->Elements[0].XId[0][i]+bem->Elements[0].XId[0][i+1])-rhs[2*i]));     }          cout<<"Boos Thess Analytic Value = "<<setprecision (15)<<r_boosthess<<"\n";     cout<<"Numerical Value = "<<setprecision (15)<<rhs[0]<<"\n";     cout<<"Relative Error = "<<errormax/r_boosthess<<"\n"; }  void MatrixBlock::WriteTracers(int nbSlice){

Write position of tracers

    char strL[128];     sprintf(strL,"%s/tracers%d.dat",workdir.c_str(), nbSlice);     FILE* pfile;     pfile = fopen(strL,"w");     for (int n=0; n<nbTracers; n++) {         fprintf(pfile, "%1.6f %1.6f\n", xTracers[n], yTracers[n]);     }     fclose(pfile); }  void MatrixBlock::SensorWrite(int sid, double Xp, double Yp){

Writes the values of the sensor

    char strL[128];     double U,V, P;     int zone;     string filedir;          zone = FigInOut(Xp, Yp,0.0);          BuildVisual(1, &Xp, &Yp, &U, &V, &P, &zone);     sprintf(strL,"%s/sensor%d.txt",workdir.c_str(),sid);     FILE* sensorfile;     sensorfile = fopen(strL,"a");     fprintf(sensorfile,"%5.9f %5.9f %5.9f %5.9f\n", bem->runtime, U, V, P);     fclose(sensorfile); }   void MatrixBlock::writeRHS(){

Write the result to file

    char cname[128];     cout<< "save results ";     FILE* rrfile;          sprintf(cname, "%s/rhsbuffer.dat",workdir.c_str());     rrfile = fopen(cname,"w");          fprintf(rrfile, "%i \n", nOFm/2);     for(int n=0; n<nOFm/2; n++){         fprintf(rrfile, "%3.9f\n", rhs[2*n]);     }     for(int n=0; n<nOFm/2; n++){         fprintf(rrfile, "%3.9f\n",rhs[2*n+1]);     }          fclose(rrfile); }  void MatrixBlock::PV(int atp){

Write one solution value to screen

    cout<<setprecision (15)<<u1vec[atp]<<"\n"; }  void MatrixBlock::saveMatrix(){

Write the matrix to file

    char cname[128];     cout<< "save matrix ";     FILE* rrfile;     sprintf(cname, "%s/matrixbuffer.dat",workdir.c_str());     rrfile = fopen(cname,"w");     int M,N;               if(prcndsing==0){         for(int n=0; n<nOFm; n++){             for (int m=0; m<nOFm; m++) {                 fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", A[m*nOFm+n]);             }             fprintf(rrfile,"\n");         }                  for(int n=0; n<nOFm; n++){             fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", rhs[n]);         }     } else {         M = 2*fixsize;         N = nOFm-2*fixsize;                  for(int n=0; n<M; n++){             for (int m=0; m<M; m++) {                 fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", A[m*M+n]);             }             for (int m=0; m<N; m++) {                 fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", A[M*(N+M)+m*M+n]);             }             fprintf(rrfile,"\n");         }         for(int n=0; n<N; n++){             for (int m=0; m<M; m++) {                 fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", A[M*M+m*N+n]);             }             for (int m=0; m<N; m++) {                 fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", A[M*(2*N+M)+m*N+n]);             }             fprintf(rrfile,"\n");         }         for(int n=0; n<nOFm; n++){             fprintf(rrfile, "%3.13f ", rhs[n]);         }              }          // unformated     /*      for(int n=0; n<nOFm*nOFm; n++){      fprintf(rrfile, "%3.12f\n", A[n]);      }            for(int n=0; n<nOFm; n++){      fprintf(rrfile, "%3.12f\n",rhs[n]);      }      */     fclose(rrfile); }  void MatrixBlock::DisableWrite(){     if (writeEnabled) {         writeEnabled = 0;         bem->DisableWrite();     } }

Field data export

void MatrixBlock::VTKexport(int nbSlice, int resolution, double left, double right, double bottom, double top){

Writes Field output to TecPlot Binary file

    if(prcndsing){         cout<<"PreCondense and Output will not work yet"<<flush;     }     double xls, yls;     int ifid = bem->ifid;          double xFramesize = right-left;     double yFramesize = top- bottom;          int* Varloc;     double finesse = 1.0/resolution;     Varloc = new int[5];          Varloc[0] = 1;     Varloc[1] = 1;     Varloc[2] = 1;     Varloc[3] = 1;     Varloc[4] = 1;          int dsize = bem->allSize[ifid]+1;     double* Xtmp;     double* Ytmp;     double* Utmp;     double* Vtmp;     double* Ptmp;     int *Subdom;     int Nvar;     float *Pxtmp;     float *Pytmp;     double* KC;     double* DropX;      double* DropY;     Pxtmp = new float[nOFm/2+bem->nbPanels+20];     Pytmp = new float[nOFm/2+bem->nbPanels+20];      int otmpiox, otmpioy,count;               char strL[128];      char scrD[128];     sprintf(scrD,"%s",workdir.c_str());     sprintf(strL,"%s/ulam2d%03d.vtk",workdir.c_str(),nbSlice);

Spatial grid and field variables are initialized

    otmpiox = int(xFramesize*resolution);     otmpioy = int(yFramesize*resolution);     Nvar = (otmpiox+2)*(otmpioy+2);          Xtmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Ytmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Utmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Vtmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Ptmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Subdom = (int*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(int));          count= 0;     for (int my=0; my<(yFramesize*resolution+0.5); my++) {         yls = bottom+my*finesse;         for(int mx=0; mx<(xFramesize*resolution+0.5); mx++) {             xls = left+mx*finesse;             Xtmp[count] = xls;             Ytmp[count] = yls;             Subdom[count] = FigInOut(xls,yls,finesse);             count++;             otmpiox = mx;         }            otmpioy = my;     }          otmpiox++;     otmpioy++;

Compute the field values U, V and P for all X and Y.

    Nvar = count;     BuildVisual(count, Xtmp, Ytmp, Utmp, Vtmp, Ptmp, Subdom);

The file header is written

    FILE* vtkfile;     vtkfile = fopen(strL,"w");     fprintf(vtkfile, "# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");     fprintf (vtkfile, "Ulambator Output File for Slice %d \n",nbSlice);     fprintf(vtkfile, "ASCII\n");     fprintf(vtkfile, "DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n");     fprintf(vtkfile, "DIMENSIONS %d %d 1\n", otmpiox, otmpioy );     fprintf(vtkfile, "ASPECT_RATIO %f %f 1\n",1.0/resolution, 1.0/resolution);     fprintf(vtkfile, "ORIGIN %f %f 0\n",left, bottom);     fprintf(vtkfile, "POINT_DATA %d\n",otmpiox*otmpioy );          fprintf(vtkfile, "SCALARS pressure float\n");     fprintf(vtkfile, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");     count = 0;     for (int my=0; my<otmpioy; my++) {         for(int mx=0; mx<otmpiox; mx++) {             fprintf(vtkfile, "%1.9f ", Ptmp[count]);             count++;         }     }      fprintf(vtkfile, "SCALARS domain float\n");     fprintf(vtkfile, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");      count = 0;     for (int my=0; my<otmpioy; my++) {         for(int mx=0; mx<otmpiox; mx++) {             fprintf(vtkfile, "%d ", Subdom[count]);             count++;         }     }               fprintf(vtkfile, "VECTORS velocity float\n");     count = 0;     for (int my=0; my<otmpioy; my++) {         for(int mx=0; mx<otmpiox; mx++) {             fprintf(vtkfile, "%1.9f %1.9f 0.0\n", Utmp[count], Vtmp[count]);             count++;         }     }      fclose(vtkfile);          std::cout << "VTK Data written, ";

Write Geometry into a seperate vtk file

    int totalsegm = 0;     count = 0;     totalsegm = bem->getAllSize()/2;          sprintf(strL,"%s/ulamgeo2d%03d.vtk",workdir.c_str(),nbSlice);     vtkfile = fopen(strL,"w");     fprintf(vtkfile, "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\nvtk output\nASCII\nDATASET POLYDATA\n");     fprintf(vtkfile, "POINTS %d float\n", totalsegm);     for (int s=0; s<bem->nbBlocks; s++) {         DropX = bem->Elements[s].XId[0];         DropY = bem->Elements[s].YId[0];         dsize = bem->Elements[s].getFullSize();         for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {             fprintf(vtkfile, "%1.8f %1.8f 0.0\n", DropX[i], DropY[i]);         }     }          count = 0;     fprintf(vtkfile, "LINES %d %d\n", totalsegm, 3*totalsegm);     for (int s=0; s<bem->nbBlocks; s++) {         dsize = bem->Elements[s].getFullSize();         for (int i=0; i<dsize-1; i++) {             fprintf(vtkfile, "2 %d %d\n", i+count, i+1+count);         }         if(dsize>0){             fprintf(vtkfile, "2 %d %d \n", dsize-1+count, count);         }         count += dsize;     }     fprintf(vtkfile, "POINT_DATA %d\n", totalsegm);     fprintf(vtkfile, "scalars pointvar float\n");     fprintf(vtkfile, "LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");     for (int s=0; s<bem->nbBlocks; s++) {         dsize = bem->Elements[s].getFullSize();         if (s>=ifblock) {             bem->UpdateCourbure(s);             KC =  bem->Elements[s].KC;             for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {                 fprintf(vtkfile, "%1.8f ",KC[i]);             }         }else{             for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {                 fprintf(vtkfile, "0.0 ");             }         }     }          fclose(vtkfile);          std::cout << "VTK Geometry written.\n";          delete Xtmp;     delete Ytmp;     delete Utmp;     delete Vtmp;     delete Ptmp;      }    void MatrixBlock::VisMatlab(int nbSlice, int resolution, double left, double right, double bottom, double top){

Writes field variables to a Matlab readable file

    if(prcndsing){         cout<<"PreCondense and Output will not work yet"<<flush;     }          double xls, yls;     FILE* pfile;          double xFramesize = right-left;     double yFramesize = top- bottom;          int Check;     int* Varloc;      double finesse = 1.0/resolution;     Varloc = new int[5];          Varloc[0] = 1;     Varloc[1] = 1;     Varloc[2] = 1;     Varloc[3] = 1;     Varloc[4] = 1;      double* Xtmp;     double* Ytmp;     double* Utmp;     double* Vtmp;     double* Ptmp;     int *Subdom;     int Nvar;     float *Pxtmp;     float *Pytmp;      Pxtmp = new float[nOFm+bem->nbPanels];     Pytmp = new float[nOFm+bem->nbPanels];      int otmpiox, otmpioy,count;               char strL[128];      char scrD[128];     sprintf(scrD,"%s",workdir.c_str());     sprintf(strL,"%s/ulamviz%d.dat",workdir.c_str(),nbSlice);

Here true ouput starts

    otmpiox = int(xFramesize*resolution);     otmpioy = int(yFramesize*resolution);     Nvar = (otmpiox+2)*(otmpioy+2);          Xtmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Ytmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Utmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Vtmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Ptmp = (double*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(double));     Subdom = (int*) calloc (Nvar,sizeof(int));          pfile = fopen(strL,"w");          count= 0;          for (int my=0; my<(yFramesize*resolution+0.5); my++) {         yls = bottom+my*finesse;                  for(int mx=0; mx<(xFramesize*resolution+0.5); mx++) {             xls = left+mx*finesse;             Xtmp[count] = xls;             Ytmp[count] = yls;             Subdom[count] = FigInOut(xls,yls,finesse);             count++;             otmpiox = mx;         }            otmpioy = my;     }          otmpiox++;     otmpioy++;       fprintf(pfile, "Ulambator Visual Output for Matlab\n %d %d %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f\n", otmpiox, otmpioy,  bottom, left, top, right);           Nvar = count;     BuildVisual(count, Xtmp, Ytmp, Utmp, Vtmp, Ptmp, Subdom);          for (int j=0; j<Nvar; j++) {         fprintf(pfile, "%1.9f %1.9f %1.9f %1.9f %1.9f %d\n", Utmp[j], Vtmp[j], Ptmp[j], Xtmp[j], Ytmp[j], Subdom[j]);     }          Check = fclose(pfile);          if(Check==0){         cout << "VisMatlab Data written, \n";     } else {         cout << "VisMatlab Binary Data Error, \n";     }          delete Xtmp;     delete Ytmp;     delete Utmp;     delete Vtmp;     delete Ptmp;      }

Ubiquitous subroutines

void MatrixBlock::ResetMR(double *Mat, double * Rhs){

Reset Matrix and righthandside

    for(int n=0; n<2*fixsize*prcndsing; n++){             Rhs[n] = u2vec[n];     }          for(int n=2*fixsize*prcndsing; n<nOFm; n++){         Rhs[n] = 0;     }     for(int n=4*fixsize*fixsize*prcndsing; n<nOFm*nOFm; n++){             Mat[n] = 0;      } }  int MatrixBlock::UpdateNOFM(){

Determine the size of the matrix

    int status = 0;     int allsize = bem->getAllSize();          double *Atmp;          if (allsize>nOFm) {         Atmp = (double*) calloc (4*fixsize*fixsize,sizeof(double));         memcpy(Atmp, A, 4*fixsize*fixsize*sizeof(double));                  free(A);         free(u1vec);         free(rhs);         nOFm = allsize;         A = (double*) calloc ((nOFm+10)*(nOFm+10),sizeof(double));         u1vec = (double*) calloc (nOFm+10,sizeof(double));         rhs = (double*) calloc (nOFm+10,sizeof(double));          memcpy(A, Atmp, 4*fixsize*fixsize*sizeof(double));         free(Atmp);         cout<<"m";     }     nOFm = allsize;     bem->UpdateSize();     return status; }  int MatrixBlock::FigInOut(double xp, double yp, double crit){

Figure out if inside a droplet or not, important for visual export

    int inside = -1;     int size;     double dphi;     double *Xc, *Yc;     double dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2,rr;     bool unbreaked = 1;          if (crit>0.0) {         crit = 0.5*pow(bem->rlim,2);     }          for (int i=dynblock; i<nbBlocks; i++) {         dphi = 0;         size = bem->allSize[bem->ifid+i-ifblock];         Xc = &bem->Elements[i].XId[0][-1];         Yc = &bem->Elements[i].YId[0][-1];                  for (int j=0;j<size+1 ; j++) {             dx1 = Xc[j]-xp;             dx2 = Xc[j+1]-xp;             dy1 = Yc[j]-yp;             dy2 = Yc[j+1]-yp;             rr = sqrt(dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1)*sqrt(dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2);             if (rr<crit){                 inside = fixsize;                 for (int k=ifblock; k<i; k++) {                     inside += bem->Elements[k].getFullSize();                 }                 inside += j;                 unbreaked = 0;                 break;             }             dphi += asin((dy2*dx1-dx2*dy1)/rr);          }         if ((fabs(dphi)>M_PI)&&(unbreaked)) {             inside = -i-2;             break;         }     }                    return inside; }   void MatrixBlock::computeGT(int dolog, double x1, double y1, double& G11, double& G12, double& G22, double& T111, double& T112, double& T122, double& T211, double& T212, double& T222){

Calculate the G and T functions

    double x2, y2, r2, r1, kr, kr2, t, dtmp, dtmp1, K0, K1, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, B4;      x2 = x1*x1;     y2 = y1*y1;     r2 = x2+y2;     r1 = sqrt(r2);     kr = r1*kF;     kr2 = kF*kF*r2;     r2 = 1.0/r2;            // only 1/r^2 is used, this redefinition save costly division operations

Outer solution

    if (kr>2.0) {         t = 2.0/kr;         dtmp1 = exp(-kr)/sqrt(kr);         dtmp = (((((0.00053208*t-0.0025154)*t+0.00587872)*t-0.01062446)*t+                  0.02189568)*t-0.07832358)*t+1.25331414;         K0 = dtmp*dtmp1;         dtmp = (((((-0.00068245*t+0.00325614)*t-0.00780353)*t+0.01504268)*t-                  0.0365562)*t+0.23498619)*t+1.25331414;         K1 = dtmp*dtmp1;                  A1 = -2.*(K0+K1/kr-1./kr2)-(1-dolog)*log(r1);         A2 = 2.*(K0+2*K1/kr-2./kr2);         A3 = -K1*kr;         B1 = -2.*x1*r2;         B2 = -2.*y1*r2;         B3 = y2*r2*(4.*A2-2.*A3);         B4 = x2*r2*(4.*A2-2.*A3);                  T111 = B1*(-1.+A2-B3);         T122 = B1*(-1.-A2+B3);         T112 = B2*(A3-A2+B4);                  T211 = B2*(-1.-A2+B4);         T222 = B2*(-1.+A2-B4);         T212 = B1*(A3-A2+B3);                  G11 = A1+x2*r2*A2;         G12 = x1*y1*r2*A2;         G22 = A1+y2*r2*A2;

Inner solution

    } else if(kr>0.0){         t = log(kr/2.0)+0.57721566490153;                  // besselk0 minus times x^2 -log(kr/2) -0.57721566490153         K0 = 0.25*( 1.-t +kr2*0.03125*( 3.-2.*t +kr2*0.009259259*( 11.-6.*t + kr2*0.0078125*( 25.-12.*t + kr2*0.002*( 137.-60.*t + kr2*0.020833333333333*( 49.-20.*t + kr2*0.00072886297376*( 363.-149.*t ))))))); // + kr2*0.001953125*(761 - 280*t)                   // besselk1 minus times x^2 1/kr + kr*0.25*( -1+2*t          K1 =  0.0625*( -5+4*t +kr2*0.0555555555*( -5+3*t +kr2*0.002604166666*( -47+24*t +kr2*0.005*( -131+60*t +kr2*0.01666666666*( -71+30*t + kr2*0.0012755102*( -353+140*t )))))); // + kr2*0.001116071428*( -1487+560*t )                  A1 = -(2.*K0+0.5*K1)*kr2 +log(kF/2.)+dolog*log(r1)+1.0772156649;     // -log(r1)         A2 = (2.*K0+K1);                                   // *kr2 + 1         A3 = -0.25*(K1*kr2+2*log(kr/2.)+0.1544313298);      // *kr2 + 1                  B1 = 2.*(A2-A3);         B2 = (4.*A3-8.*A2)*x1+4.*dolog*x1/kr2;         B3 = (4.*A3-8.*A2)*y1+4.*dolog*y1/kr2;         dtmp = x2*r2;         dtmp1 = y2*r2;                                                              // dolog add         T111 = kF*kF*( 2.*A2*x1  +2.*x1*B1+ dtmp*B2 );        // - 4*x^3/r^4         T122 = kF*kF*( 2.*A2*x1          + dtmp1*B2 );       // - 4*x*y^2/r^4         T112 = kF*kF*(          B1*y1  + dtmp*B3 );         // - 4*y*x^2/r^4                  T211 = kF*kF*( 2.*A2*y1          + dtmp*B3 );        // - 4*y*x^2/r^4         T222 = kF*kF*( 2.*A2*y1  +2.*B1*y1+ dtmp1*B3 );       // - 4*y^3/r^4         T212 = kF*kF*(         B1*x1  + dtmp1*B2 );         // - 4*x*y^2/r^4                                                              // dolog add         A2 = A2*kr2;         G11 = A1+x2*r2*(A2-1.0);                            // -log(r1)         G12 = x1*y1*r2*(A2-1.0);         G22 = A1+y2*r2*(A2-1.0);              } else {                           T111 = 4.0*dolog*x1*x2*r2*r2;         T112 = 4.0*dolog*y1*x2*r2*r2;         T122 = 4.0*dolog*x1*y2*r2*r2;                  T211 = 4.0*dolog*y1*x2*r2*r2;         T212 = 4.0*dolog*x1*y2*r2*r2;         T222 = 4.0*dolog*y1*y2*r2*r2;                           G11 = dolog*log(r1)-x2*r2;         G12 = -x1*y1*r2;         G22 = dolog*log(r1)-y2*r2;     } }  void MatrixBlock::computeGO(int dolog, double x1, double y1, double& G11, double& G12, double& G22){

Calculates the G test functions

    double x2, y2, r2, r1, kr, t, dtmp, dtmp1, K0, K1, A1, A2, kr2;          x2 = x1*x1;     y2 = y1*y1;     r2 = x2+y2;     r1 = sqrt(r2);     kr = r1*kF;     kr2 = kF*kF*r2;     r2 = 1.0/r2;

Outer solution

    if (kr>2.0) {         if (dolog==0) {             cout<<"e"<<flush;         }         t = 2.0/kr;         dtmp1 = exp(-kr)/sqrt(kr);         dtmp = (((((0.00053208*t-0.0025154)*t+0.00587872)*t-0.01062446)*t+                  0.02189568)*t-0.07832358)*t+1.25331414;         K0 = dtmp*dtmp1;         dtmp = (((((-0.00068245*t+0.00325614)*t-0.00780353)*t+0.01504268)*t-                  0.0365562)*t+0.23498619)*t+1.25331414;         K1 = dtmp*dtmp1;                  A1 = -2.*(K0+K1/kr-1./kr2)-(1.-dolog)*log(r1);         A2 = 2.*(K0+2.*K1/kr-2./kr2);                  G11 = A1+x2*r2*A2;         G12 = x1*y1*r2*A2;         G22 = A1+y2*r2*A2;

Inner solution

    } else if (kr>0.0) {         t = log(kr/2.0)+0.57721566490153;                  // besselk0 minus times x^2 -log(kr/2) -0.57721566490153         K0 = 0.25*( 1-t +kr2*0.03125*( 3-2*t +kr2*0.009259259*( 11-6*t + kr2*0.0078125*( 25-12*t + kr2*0.002*( 137-60*t + kr2*0.020833333333333*( 49-20*t + kr2*0.00072886297376*( 363-149*t ))))))); // + kr2*0.001953125*(761 - 280*t)                           // besselk1 minus times x^2 1/kr + kr*0.25*( -1+2*t         K1 =  0.0625*( -5+4*t +kr2*0.0555555555*( -5+3*t +kr2*0.002604166666*( -47+24*t +kr2*0.005*( -131+60*t +kr2*0.01666666666*( -71+30*t + kr2*0.0012755102*( -353+140*t )))))); // + kr2*0.001116071428*( -1487+560*t )                  //      double BesselK0 = K0*kr2 - log(kr/2)-0.57721566490153;         //      double BesselK1 = K1/4*kr2*kr+1.0/kr+kr*(log(kr/2)/2+0.57721566490153/2-1.0/4);                  A1 = -(2.*K0+0.5*K1)*kr2 +log(kF/2.)+dolog*log(r1)+1.0772156649;         A2 = (2.*K0+K1)*kr2;          G11 = A1+x2*r2*(A2-1.0);         G12 = x1*y1*r2*(A2-1.0);         G22 = A1+y2*r2*(A2-1.0);

Stokes solution

    } else {                  G11 = dolog*log(r1)-x2*r2;         G12 = -x1*y1*r2;         G22 = dolog*log(r1)-y2*r2;          } }  void MatrixBlock::computeGOH(double x1, double y1, double& G11, double& G12, double& G22){

Calculates the G test functions

    double x2, y2, r2, r1, kr, t, dtmp, dtmp1, K0, K1, A1, A2;          x2 = x1*x1;     y2 = y1*y1;     r2 = x2+y2;     r1 = sqrt(r2);     kr = r1*kF;

Outer solution

        t = 2.0/kr;         dtmp1 = exp(-kr)/sqrt(kr);         dtmp = (((((0.00053208*t-0.0025154)*t+0.00587872)*t-0.01062446)*t+                  0.02189568)*t-0.07832358)*t+1.25331414;         K0 = dtmp*dtmp1;         dtmp = (((((-0.00068245*t+0.00325614)*t-0.00780353)*t+0.01504268)*t-                  0.0365562)*t+0.23498619)*t+1.25331414;         K1 = dtmp*dtmp1;                  A1 = -2*(K0+K1/kr-1./(kF*kF*r2));         A2 = 2*(K0+2*K1/kr-2./(kF*kF*r2));                  G11 = A1+x2/r2*A2;         G12 = x1*y1/r2*A2;         G22 = A1+y2/r2*A2;   }  void MatrixBlock::computeGTH(int dolog, double x1, double y1, double& G11, double& G12, double& G22, double& T111, double& T112, double& T122, double& T211, double& T212, double& T222){

Calculates the G test functions

    double x2, y2, r2, r1, kr, kr2, t, dtmp, dtmp1, K0, K1, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, B4;          x2 = x1*x1;     y2 = y1*y1;     r2 = x2+y2;     r1 = sqrt(r2);     kr = r1*kF;     kr2 = kF*kF*r2;     r2 = 1.0/r2;            // only 1/r^2 is used, this redefinition save costly division operations

Outer solution

        t = 2.0/kr;         dtmp1 = exp(-kr)/sqrt(kr);         dtmp = (((((0.00053208*t-0.0025154)*t+0.00587872)*t-0.01062446)*t+                  0.02189568)*t-0.07832358)*t+1.25331414;         K0 = dtmp*dtmp1;         dtmp = (((((-0.00068245*t+0.00325614)*t-0.00780353)*t+0.01504268)*t-                  0.0365562)*t+0.23498619)*t+1.25331414;         K1 = dtmp*dtmp1;                  A1 = -2.*(K0+K1/kr-1./kr2)-(1-dolog)*log(r1);         A2 = 2.*(K0+2*K1/kr-2./kr2);         A3 = -K1*kr;         B1 = -2.*x1*r2;         B2 = -2.*y1*r2;         B3 = y2*r2*(4.*A2-2.*A3);         B4 = x2*r2*(4.*A2-2.*A3);                  T111 = B1*(-1.+A2-B3);         T122 = B1*(-1.-A2+B3);         T112 = B2*(A3-A2+B4);                  T211 = B2*(-1.-A2+B4);         T222 = B2*(-1.+A2-B4);         T212 = B1*(A3-A2+B3);                  G11 = A1+x2*r2*A2;         G12 = x1*y1*r2*A2;         G22 = A1+y2*r2*A2;        }  void MatrixBlock::computeMP(double x1, double y1, double &M1, double &M2, double &P11, double &P12, double &P22){   

Calculate the M and P test function for the pressure

    double x2, y2, r2, r1;     x2 = x1*x1;     y2 = y1*y1;     r2 = x2+y2;     r1 = sqrt(r2);      M1 = x1/r2;     M2 = y1/r2;     P11 = kF*kF*log(r1) + 2.0/r2 -4*x2/(r2*r2);     P12 = -4*x1*y1/(r2*r2);     P22 = kF*kF*log(r1) + 2.0/r2 -4*y2/(r2*r2); }    void MatrixBlock::IntForce(int dropId){

Integrate the Forces on a droplet

    double tang, norl, dx, dy, r;     int size = bem->Elements[dropId].getFullSize();     double *XA, *YA;          XA = bem->Elements[dropId].XId[0];     YA = bem->Elements[dropId].YId[0];

Wrap solution

    u1vec[2*fixsize+nCK*size] = u1vec[2*fixsize];     u1vec[2*fixsize+nCK*size+1] = u1vec[2*fixsize+1];          tang = 0;     norl = 0;

Integrate force

    for (int k=0; k<size; k++) {         dx = XA[k+1]-XA[k];         dy = YA[k+1]-YA[k];         r = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);                  norl += r*(u1vec[2*fixsize+nCK*k]);         tang += r*(u1vec[2*fixsize+nCK*k+1]);     }      cout<<" Sum of Forces around the droplet are: "<<norl<<" and "<<tang<<"\n"; }  double MatrixBlock::Residuum(double *sol, double &omega, double oldcvgc){

Calculate the difference between two solutions

    double rest = 0;           for (int k=2*fixsize; k<nOFm; k++) {
   zvec[k] = fabs(xvec[k]-u2vec[k]);
        rest += pow(sol[k-2*fixsize]-rhs[k],2);     }     rest = sqrt(rest)/(2.0*fixsize);

Relaxe if convergence fails – this was not so helpful yet

    if (rest>=oldcvgc) {         omega = omega/2.0;         cout<<","<<flush;     }else{         omega = min(omega*1.1,1.0);     }

Relax convergence rate for stability with omega

    for (int k=2*fixsize; k<nOFm; k++) {         rhs[k] = sol[k-2*fixsize]+omega*(rhs[k]-sol[k-2*fixsize]); // Smartass    //     cout<<k<<" "<<sol[k-2*fixsize]<<" "<<rhs[k]<<"\n";    //     rhs[k] += omega*(-rhs[k]+sol[k-2*fixsize]);        // min(1.0/sqrt(rest), 1.0)     }      return rest; }

Created by Mathias Nagel on 23.03.10.

Modified by Mathias Nagel on 16.3.2015.

Copyright 2010 LFMI–EPFL. All rights reserved.