Ulambators BoundaryBlock class (bndblock.cpp) v0.3

This class contains functions to create and store information of boundaries and interfaces


  • Initialisation

  • Wall and Droplet creation

  • Droplet evolution

  • Special functions for drop merging, repulsion etc

  • Data writing

  • Drolet statistics

  • Remeshing procedures

  • Ubiquitous subroutines

The header optionally contains OpenMP support.

#include "bndblock.h" #include "bndelement.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // for C++ #include <cmath> #endif #include <math.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "combase.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <assert.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <Winsock2.h> #include <algorithm> #include <time.h> #endif using namespace std;


BndBlock::BndBlock(int blocks){     Elements = new FlowFace[blocks]();      nbBlocks = blocks;     runstep = 0;     runtime = 0.0;     nbPanels = -1;          rlim = 0; //elementsPerLength;     workdir = new char[120];     panel2block = new int[64]; // only 64 panels can exist, increase if mor are needed     writeEnabled = 0;     remesh_threshold = 2.0;     SeedOption = 0; // 1 - Variable, else Constant         IGP = new double[6];     IGW = new double[6];          IGP[0] = -0.932469514203152;     IGP[1] = -0.661209386466265;     IGP[2] = -0.238619186083197;     IGP[3] = 0.238619186083197;     IGP[4] = 0.661209386466265;     IGP[5] = 0.932469514203152;     IGW[0] = 0.171324492379170;     IGW[1] = 0.360761573048139;     IGW[2] = 0.467913934572691;     IGW[3] = 0.467913934572691;     IGW[4] = 0.360761573048139;     IGW[5] = 0.171324492379170;      }  void BndBlock::Init(){     int counter = 0;       ifid = 0;     ifblock = 0;     dynblock = 0;     dynpanels = 0;     nbPanels = 0;     for (int k=0; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         for (int j=nbPanels; j<(nbPanels+Elements[k].nbPanels); j++) {             panel2block[j] = k;         }         nbPanels += Elements[k].nbPanels;     }          allBCX = (double*) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double));     allBCY = (double*) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double));     allBCZ = (double*) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double));     allXId = (double**) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double*));     allYId = (double**) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double*));     allBCtype = (int*) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(int));     allSize = (int*) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(int));     allRdist = (double**) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double*));     allCdist = (double**) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double*));     allWdist = (double**) calloc (nbPanels,sizeof(double*));          for (int k=0; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         switch (Elements[k].BCkind) {             case 0:     // Outer Boundary                 for (int j=0; j<Elements[k].nbPanels; j++) {                     allBCX[counter] = Elements[k].BCvalueX[j];                     allBCY[counter] = Elements[k].BCvalueY[j];                     allBCtype[counter] = Elements[k].BCtype[j];                                          allXId[counter] = Elements[k].XId[j];                     allYId[counter] = Elements[k].YId[j];                     allSize[counter] = Elements[k].PanelSize[j];                                          counter++;                 }                 break;        /*     case 1:     // Fibers                 for (int j=0; j<Elements[k].nbPanels; j++) {                     allBCX[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCY[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCZ[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCtype[counter] = 4;                                          allXId[counter] = Elements[k].XId[j];                     allYId[counter] = Elements[k].YId[j];                     allSize[counter] = Elements[k].PanelSize[j];                                          counter++;                 }                 break; */             case 2:     // Droplet                 allRdist[counter] = Elements[k].Rdist;                 allCdist[counter] = Elements[k].Cdist;                 allWdist[counter] = Elements[k].Wdist;                 for (int j=0; j<Elements[k].nbPanels; j++) {                     allBCX[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCY[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCtype[counter] = 21;                     if (Elements[k].BCtype[j]==22) {                         allBCtype[counter] = 22;                     }                                          allXId[counter] = Elements[k].XId[j];                     allYId[counter] = Elements[k].YId[j];                     allSize[counter] = Elements[k].PanelSize[j];                                          counter++;                 }                 break;        /*     case 3:     // Bordtrac                 allRdist[counter] = Elements[k].Rdist;                 allCdist[counter] = Elements[k].Cdist;                 allWdist[counter] = Elements[k].Wdist;                 for (int j=0; j<Elements[k].nbPanels; j++) {                     allBCX[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCY[counter] = 0.0;                     allBCtype[counter] = 23;                                          allXId[counter] = Elements[k].XId[j];                     allYId[counter] = Elements[k].YId[j];                     allSize[counter] = Elements[k].PanelSize[j];                                          counter++;                 }                 break; */             default:                 cout<<"No valid boundary selected !"<<flush;                 exit(0);                 break;         }                         if (Elements[k].BCkind<2) {             ifid += Elements[k].nbPanels;             ifblock++;         }         if (Elements[k].BCkind<1) {             dynpanels += Elements[k].nbPanels;             dynblock++;         }              }          WrapAll();     allStock(); }  void BndBlock::PanelInit(int blockId, int Size, int ofKind, int Btype, double *BCvalue, double *PosVec){     // One could check here that the number of panels is not exceeded     int index;     int numPanels = Elements[blockId].nbPanels;          if (numPanels>=1) {         index = Elements[blockId].PanelSize[numPanels-1];         if(!((fabs(Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels-1][index]-PosVec[0])<1e-6)&&(fabs(Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels-1][index]-PosVec[1])<1e-6))){             std::cout<<"ATTENTION: Geometry NOT closed, check boundary output!!!\n";         }     }          index = 0;          for (int k = 0; k<numPanels; k++) {         index += Elements[blockId].PanelSize[k];     }     Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels] = &Elements[blockId].XE[index+5];     Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels] = &Elements[blockId].YE[index+5];     Elements[blockId].PanelSize[numPanels] = Size;                    switch (ofKind){         case 0:     // Straight line for walls or in- outflow             DrawLine(Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1], PosVec[2], PosVec[3], Size);             break;         case 1:     // Curved line for walls Pos4 is curvature positive for outwards             DrawSegm(Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1], PosVec[2], PosVec[3], PosVec[4], Size);             break;         case 2:     // Pancake droplet             DoCircle(Size, PosVec[2], Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1], int(PosVec[4]), PosVec[3]);             break;         case 3:     // Elliptic droplet Pos0 is the major halfaxis and its inverse minor ha             DoEllipse(Size, PosVec[2], PosVec[3], Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1]);             break;         case 4:     // droplet with recangular middle section and caps, Pos0 is length of middle section             DoEgg(Size, PosVec[2], PosVec[3], Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1]);             break;         case 5:     // Droplet interface for attached boundaries             DrawLine(&Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels][-1], &Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels][-1], PosVec[0], PosVec[1], PosVec[2], PosVec[3], Size+1);             break;         case 6:     // Hyperbolic walls             DrawHyperbel(Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1], PosVec[2], PosVec[3], Size);         case 7:     // Sinus shape walls with amplitude and wavenumber             DrawSine(Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels], Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels], PosVec[0], PosVec[1], PosVec[2], PosVec[3], Size,PosVec[4], int(PosVec[5]));             break;     }          Elements[blockId].BCtype[numPanels] = Btype;     Elements[blockId].BCvalueX[numPanels] = BCvalue[0];     Elements[blockId].BCvalueY[numPanels] = BCvalue[1];     numPanels++;     Elements[blockId].nbPanels = numPanels;          if((numPanels>1)&&(numPanels==Elements[blockId].nbPanRes)){         if(!((fabs(Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels-1][Size]-Elements[blockId].XId[0][0])<1e-6)&&(fabs(Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels-1][Size]-Elements[blockId].YId[0][0])<1e-6))){             std::cout<<"ATTENTION: Geometry NOT closed, check boundary output!!!\n";         }         Elements[blockId].XId[numPanels-1][Size+1] = Elements[blockId].XId[0][1];         Elements[blockId].YId[numPanels-1][Size+1] = Elements[blockId].YId[0][1];     }     std::cout<<" Block "<<blockId<<" Panel "<<numPanels<<" of "<<Elements[blockId].nbPanRes<<" initialized.\n"<<flush; }

Dedicated to droplet creation

void BndBlock::DoCircle(int prec, double radius, double *Xcir, double *Ycir, double XPos, double YPos, int Nmode, double Namp){

Creates droplet, optional with perturbation single/multiple/noise

    double radstep = 2*M_PI/prec;     double radus;          srand(time(NULL));          radus = 0.0;     for(int n=0; n<=prec; n++){                  if (Nmode>0) {             radus = Namp*(cos(Nmode*n*radstep));         } else {             radus = Namp*rand()/(float(RAND_MAX)+1);         }                  Xcir[n] = radius*(1.0+radus)*cos(n*radstep)+ XPos;         Ycir[n] = fabs(radius)*(1.0+radus)*sin(n*radstep)+ YPos;     } }  void BndBlock::DoEgg(int prec, double longeur, double largeur, double *Xcir, double *Ycir, double X0, double Y0){

Make droplet which is elongated by a straight section – Option 4

    double radius = largeur;     double signum = 1.0-2.0*(longeur<0);     longeur= fabs(longeur);     int straight = (prec*longeur/(2*M_PI*radius+2*longeur));     int curved = prec/2-straight;          double radstep = M_PI/curved;     int n=0;     int keep;                    for(int j=0; j<curved; j++){         Xcir[n] = -radius*cos(n*radstep)+X0;         Ycir[n] = -signum*(longeur*1.0/2.0+radius*sin(n*radstep))+Y0;         n++;     }     keep=n;     for(int j=0; j<straight; j++){         Xcir[n] = radius+X0;         Ycir[n] = signum*longeur*((n-keep)*1.0/straight-0.5)+Y0;         n++;     }     keep = n;     for(int j= 0; j<curved; j++){         Xcir[n] = radius*cos((n-keep)*radstep)+X0;         Ycir[n] = signum*(longeur*1.0/2.0+radius*sin((n-keep)*radstep))+Y0;         n++;     }     keep = n;     for(int j=keep; j<prec; j++){         Xcir[n] = -radius+X0;         Ycir[n] = signum*longeur*(0.5-(n-keep)*1.0/straight)+Y0;         n++;     } }  void BndBlock::DoEllipse(int prec, double axisx, double axisy, double *Xcir, double *Ycir, double X0, double Y0){     // Make droplet which is elliptic major/minor axisx and axisy     double radstep = 2*M_PI/prec;          for(int n=0; n<prec; n++){         Xcir[n] = axisx*cos((n)*radstep)+X0;         Ycir[n] = axisy*sin((n)*radstep)+Y0;     } }    void BndBlock::DrawLine(double *Xdraw, double *Ydraw, double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, int nElm){     // Standard routine for straight lines refined at the end. Ovstp is tunable.     double dx = (X1-X0);     double dy = (Y1-Y0);     double stlen = 2.0/nElm;     double AQ, BQ, Ovstp,Sva;     int keep=0;     Ovstp = 1.1;          if (Ovstp ==1) {         double stlen = 1.0/nElm;         for (int j=0; j<=nElm; j++) {             Xdraw[j] = X0+dx*stlen*j;             Ydraw[j] = Y0+dy*stlen*j;         }     } else {         AQ = 2.5*(2-Ovstp)/(Ovstp-1);         BQ = AQ+4/(2+AQ)-2;                           for (int j=0; j<nElm/2; j++) {             Sva = j*1.0/nElm;             //        stlen = Sva;             stlen = (AQ*Sva+1.0/(1.0+Sva*AQ)-1.0)/BQ;             Xdraw[j] = X0+dx*stlen;             Ydraw[j] = Y0+dy*stlen;             keep = j;         }                  for (int j=keep; j<=nElm; j++) {             Sva = 1-j*1.0/nElm;             //        stlen = 1.0-Sva;             stlen = 1.0 - (AQ*Sva+1.0/(1.0+Sva*AQ)-1.0)/BQ;             Xdraw[j] = X0+dx*stlen;             Ydraw[j] = Y0+dy*stlen;         }     } }    void BndBlock::DrawSegm(double*Xdraw, double *Ydraw, double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, double R, int nElm){     // Makes curved boundary segments, needs care when used     double D = sqrt((X1-X0)*(X1-X0) + (Y1-Y0)*(Y1-Y0));     double Ym = -R/fabs(R)*sqrt(R*R - D*D/4);     double gam = asin(D/(2*R));     double Xm = 0.5*(X0+X1) - Ym*(Y1-Y0)/D;     double phi;     double stlen = 1.0/nElm;     double AQ, BQ, Ovstp,Sva;     int keep=0;     Ovstp = 1.3;     AQ = 2.5*(2-Ovstp)/(Ovstp-1);     BQ = AQ+4/(2+AQ)-2;          Ym = 0.5*(Y0+Y1) + Ym*(X1-X0)/D;          for (int j=0; j<nElm/2; j++) {         Sva = j*1.0/nElm;         stlen = (AQ*Sva+1.0/(1.0+Sva*AQ)-1.0)/BQ;         phi = gam - stlen*gam*2.0;         Xdraw[j] = Xm - R*(sin(phi)*(X1-X0)/D + cos(phi)*(Y1-Y0)/D);         Ydraw[j] = Ym + R*(cos(phi)*(X1-X0)/D - sin(phi)*(Y1-Y0)/D);         keep = j;     }          for (int j=keep; j<=nElm; j++) {         Sva = 1-j*1.0/nElm;         stlen = 1.0 - (AQ*Sva+1.0/(1.0+Sva*AQ)-1.0)/BQ;         phi = gam - stlen*gam*2.0;         Xdraw[j] = Xm - R*(sin(phi)*(X1-X0)/D + cos(phi)*(Y1-Y0)/D);         Ydraw[j] = Ym + R*(cos(phi)*(X1-X0)/D - sin(phi)*(Y1-Y0)/D);     } }  void BndBlock::DrawSine(double*Xdraw, double *Ydraw, double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, int nElm, double sinamp, int sinewave){     // Makes curved boundary segments, needs care when used     double dx = (X1-X0);     double dy = (Y1-Y0);     double dabs = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);     double stlen = 2.0/nElm;     double AQ, BQ, Ovstp,Sva;     int keep=0;     Ovstp = 1.0;          if (Ovstp ==1) {         double stlen = 1.0/nElm;         for (int j=0; j<=nElm; j++) {             Xdraw[j] = X0+dx*stlen*j+dy/dabs*sinamp*sin(sinewave*2.0*j*M_PI/nElm);             Ydraw[j] = Y0+dy*stlen*j-dx/dabs*sinamp*sin(sinewave*2.0*j*M_PI/nElm);        }     } else {         AQ = 2.5*(2-Ovstp)/(Ovstp-1);         BQ = AQ+4/(2+AQ)-2;                           for (int j=0; j<nElm/2; j++) {             Sva = j*1.0/nElm;             //        stlen = Sva;             stlen = (AQ*Sva+1.0/(1.0+Sva*AQ)-1.0)/BQ;             Xdraw[j] = X0+dx*stlen;             Ydraw[j] = Y0+dy*stlen;             keep = j;         }                  for (int j=keep; j<=nElm; j++) {             Sva = 1-j*1.0/nElm;             //        stlen = 1.0-Sva;             stlen = 1.0 - (AQ*Sva+1.0/(1.0+Sva*AQ)-1.0)/BQ;             Xdraw[j] = X0+dx*stlen;             Ydraw[j] = Y0+dy*stlen;         }     } }  void BndBlock::DrawHyperbel(double*Xdraw, double *Ydraw, double X0, double Y0, double X1, double Y1, int nElm){     double C = X0*Y0;     assert(C==(Y1*X1));     double D1 = X0*X0-Y0*Y0;     double D2 = X1*X1-Y1*Y1;     double dd = (D2-D1)/nElm;     for (int j=0; j<=nElm; j++){         Ydraw[j] = (( Y0 > 0 ) - ( Y0 < 0 ))*sqrt(sqrt(pow(D1+dd*j,2)/4+C*C)-(D1+dd*j)/2);         Xdraw[j] = C/Ydraw[j];     } }   void BndBlock::DropRead(int dropId, int timestep){     // Load droplet from solution used for visualization          if(!writeEnabled){         std::cout<<"Writing is not enabled! No folder available.\nCall EnableWrite(dir) before ReadDrop(). Aborting program!\n"<<std::flush;         exit(0);     }          char str[100];     char* thisdir = new char[120];     string kio, kio2;     string delim = " ";  // or " "     double xpos, ypos;     int npos, cutat;          Elements[dropId].XId[0] = &Elements[dropId].XE[5];     Elements[dropId].YId[0] = &Elements[dropId].YE[5];          double *XId = Elements[dropId].XId[0];     double *YId = Elements[dropId].YId[0];          sprintf(thisdir,"%s/drop%its%i.dat", workdir.c_str(), dropId, timestep);     fstream file(thisdir,ios::in);     if (file.is_open()) {         //      Read Header         file.getline(str,100);         kio = str;         cutat = kio.find_first_of(delim);         kio2 = kio.substr(0,cutat);         runtime = strtod(kio2.c_str(),NULL);         kio = kio.substr(cutat+1);         cutat = kio.find_first_of(delim);         kio2 = kio.substr(0,cutat);         Elements[dropId].Xrelativ = strtod(kio2.c_str(), NULL);         kio = kio.substr(cutat+1);         cutat = kio.find_first_of(delim);         kio = kio.substr(0,cutat);         Elements[0].Xrelativ = strtod(kio.c_str(), NULL);                  // Read Geometry         npos =-1;         while (file.eof()!=1) {             npos++;             file.getline(str,100);             kio = str;             cutat = kio.find_first_of(delim);             kio2 = kio.substr(0,cutat);             kio = kio.substr(cutat+1);             cutat = kio.find_first_of(delim);             kio = kio.substr(0,cutat);             xpos = strtod(kio2.c_str(), NULL);             ypos = strtod(kio.c_str(), NULL);             XId[npos] = xpos;             YId[npos] = ypos;         }         Elements[dropId].nbPanels = 1;         Elements[dropId].PanelSize[0] = npos;         runstep = timestep;         if(nbPanels>=0){             allSize[ifid+dropId-ifblock] = Elements[dropId].PanelSize[0];         }         file.close();         WrapInterface(dropId);         Stock(dropId);         std::cout<<"Drop Loaded with "<<npos<<" Elements.\n";     }else{         std::cout<<"Write directory could not be opened\n";     } }

Dedicated to droplet evolution

void BndBlock::Evolve(int blockId, double Cold, double Cnew, double deltaT, double* xvec){     // Evolves droplets from buffer IntfXY to XYId     int dynNodes;     double *Xn, *Yn, *Xo, *Yo;     dynNodes = 0;          dynNodes = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     Xn = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     Yn = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     Xo = &Elements[blockId].IntfX[5];     Yo = &Elements[blockId].IntfY[5];          for (int n=0; n<dynNodes; n++) {         Xn[n] = Cold*Xo[n] + Cnew*Xn[n] + xvec[2*n]*deltaT;//*fabs(lnx);         Yn[n] = Cold*Yo[n] + Cnew*Yn[n] + xvec[2*n+1]*deltaT;//*fabs(lny);     }          WrapInterface(blockId); }  void BndBlock::Translate(int blockId, double Xdep, double Ydep, double Theta){     // Displace droplet by a solid body movement     int dynNodes = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     double* XA = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     double* YA = Elements[blockId].YId[0];          double* XT = &Elements[blockId].IntfX[5];     double* YT = &Elements[blockId].IntfY[5];          double BY, coz, xcm, ycm;          getCoM(blockId, xcm, ycm);          for (int n=0; n<dynNodes; n++) {         BY = sqrt(pow(XT[n]-xcm,2)+pow(YT[n]-ycm,2));         coz = acos((XT[n]-xcm)/BY)*((YT[n]-ycm)>=0)+(2*M_PI-acos((XT[n]-xcm)/BY))*((YT[n]-ycm)<0);                  XA[n] = BY*cos(Theta+coz)+Xdep+xcm;         YA[n] = BY*sin(Theta+coz)+Ydep+ycm;              }     WrapInterface(blockId); }  void BndBlock::correctArea(int blockId){     // Corrects the Area by normal displacement of the interface     double A1 = getArea(blockId);     double A0 = Elements[blockId].initialArea;     double circumference = 0;     int dynNodes = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     double* XA = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     double* YA = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     double* XT = &Elements[blockId].IntfX[5];     double* YT = &Elements[blockId].IntfY[5];     double lnx, lny, rr;          if(A0!=0){         WrapInterface(blockId);         Stock(blockId);         for (int n=0; n<dynNodes; n++) {             lnx = YA[n+1]-YA[n];             lny = XA[n+1]-XA[n];             rr = sqrt(lnx*lnx+lny*lny);             circumference += rr;         }                  circumference = (A0-A1)/circumference;                  for (int n=0; n<dynNodes; n++) {             lnx = YT[n+1]-YT[n-1];             lny = XT[n-1]-XT[n+1];             rr = 1.0/sqrt(lnx*lnx+lny*lny);             XA[n] += circumference*lnx*rr;             YA[n] += circumference*lny*rr;         }                  WrapInterface(blockId);     } }  void BndBlock::correctArea(){     for(int i=ifblock;i<nbBlocks;i++){         correctArea(i);     } }  void BndBlock::Stock(int blockId){     // Move droplet positins from XYId to buffer IntfXY     int size = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     for (int n=0; n<size+10;n++){         Elements[blockId].IntfX[n] = Elements[blockId].XE[n];         Elements[blockId].IntfY[n] = Elements[blockId].YE[n];     } }  void BndBlock::UpdateCourbure(int blockId){     double *IX, *IY;     int size;     double dxl, dxr, dyl, dyr, delta1, delta2;          IX = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     IY = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     size = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();          for(int n=0; n<size;n++){         dxl = IX[n]-IX[n-1];         dxr = IX[n+1]-IX[n];         dyl = IY[n]-IY[n-1];         dyr = IY[n+1]-IY[n];         delta1 = sqrt(dxl*dxl+dyl*dyl);         delta2 = sqrt(dxr*dxr+dyr*dyr);         dxl = -2.0*(dxr/delta2-dxl/delta1)/(delta1+delta2);         dyl = -2.0*(dyr/delta2-dyl/delta1)/(delta1+delta2);         Elements[blockId].KC[n] = sqrt(dxl*dxl+dyl*dyl)*(1.0-2.0*((dxl*dyr/delta2-dyl*dxr/delta2)<0));     } }  void BndBlock::UpdateCourbure(){     for (int k=ifblock; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         UpdateCourbure(k);     } }  void BndBlock::UpdateSize(){     int count=0;     for (int n=ifblock; n<nbBlocks; n++) {         for (int m=0; m<Elements[n].nbPanels; m++){             allSize[ifid+count] = Elements[n].PanelSize[m];             count++;         }     } }  void BndBlock::WrapInterface(int blockId){     // Sets the ghost points     int size = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     double *Xp, *Yp;     if(Elements[blockId].BCkind!=3){         for (int n=0; n<5; n++) {             Elements[blockId].XId[0][n-5] = Elements[blockId].XId[0][size-5+n];             Elements[blockId].YId[0][n-5] = Elements[blockId].YId[0][size-5+n];             Elements[blockId].XId[0][size+n] = Elements[blockId].XId[0][n];             Elements[blockId].YId[0][size+n] = Elements[blockId].YId[0][n];         }     } else {         Xp = Elements[blockId].XId[0];         Yp = Elements[blockId].YId[0];                  // Zero Angle - Problematic because implicit curvature assumes immobile ghostpoints         Elements[blockId].XId[0][-2] = 2.0*Xp[-1]-Xp[0];         Elements[blockId].YId[0][-2] = 2.0*Yp[-1]-Yp[0];         Elements[blockId].YId[0][-3] = 3.0*Yp[-1]-2.0*Yp[0];         Elements[blockId].XId[0][-3] = 3.0*Xp[-1]-2.0*Xp[0];         Elements[blockId].XId[0][size+1] = 2.0*Xp[size]-Xp[size-1];         Elements[blockId].YId[0][size+1] = 2.0*Yp[size]-Yp[size-1];         Elements[blockId].YId[0][size+2] = 3.0*Yp[size]-2.0*Yp[size-1];         Elements[blockId].XId[0][size+2] = 3.0*Xp[size]-2.0*Xp[size-1];     } }

Special functions for topography change currently disabled

void BndBlock::WallRepuls(){

double BndBlock::DropCorrect(int Drop1, int Drop2){

double BndBlock::DropApproach(int Drop1, int Drop2){

void BndBlock::PerformFusion(int Drop1, int Drop2, int proxL, int proxR){

int BndBlock::CheckBreakUp(int blockId, double kF){

void BndBlock::PerformCut(int blockId, int cutHere1, int cutHere2){

Dedicated to data writing

void BndBlock::EnableWrite(char* save2dir){     workdir = save2dir;     writeEnabled = 1; }  void BndBlock::WritePos(int blockId, int nbSlice){

Write the droplet positions and curvature

    if (writeEnabled) {         char strL[128];         int nbEle;         double* Xpos;         double* Ypos;         FILE* pfile;                  int saveshed = 0;         if(blockId == 99){             saveshed = 1;             blockId = 1;         }                  nbEle = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();                  Xpos = Elements[blockId].XId[0];         Ypos = Elements[blockId].YId[0];                  //  std::cout<<" Elements present "<<nbEle<<" ";                  if (saveshed) {             sprintf(strL,"%s/drop1ts999.dat",workdir.c_str());             pfile = fopen(strL,"w");             UpdateCourbure(blockId);             fprintf(pfile, "%1.15f %1.15f %1.15f\n", runtime, Elements[blockId].Xrelativ, Elements[blockId].Yrelativ);             for (int n=nbSlice; n<nbEle; n++) {                 fprintf(pfile, "%1.15f %1.15f %1.15f\n",Xpos[n],Ypos[n],Elements[blockId].KC[n]);             }         }else if (Elements[blockId].BCkind<1) {             sprintf(strL,"%s/bnd%ipos.dat", workdir.c_str(), blockId);             pfile = fopen(strL,"w");             for (int j=0; j<nbEle; j++) {                 fprintf(pfile, "%1.15f %1.15f \n",Xpos[j],Ypos[j]);             }                      } else {             sprintf(strL,"%s/drop%its%d.dat",workdir.c_str(), blockId, nbSlice);             pfile = fopen(strL,"w");             UpdateCourbure(blockId);             fprintf(pfile, "%1.15f %1.15f %1.15f\n", runtime, Elements[blockId].Xrelativ, Elements[blockId].Yrelativ);             for (int n=0; n<nbEle; n++) {                 fprintf(pfile, "%1.15f %1.15f %1.15f\n",Xpos[n],Ypos[n],Elements[blockId].KC[n]);             }         }         fclose(pfile);         cout <<"Position "<<nbSlice<<" written for "<<blockId<<" object"<<" at time "<<runtime<<"\n";     } }  void BndBlock::LogAreaPos(int logId, int blockId){     char logurl[120];     FILE* logfile;     double A0, Xp, Yp;     A0 = getCoM(blockId, Xp, Yp);     sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logId);     logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");     fprintf(logfile, "%2.9f %2.9f %2.9f\n", A0, Xp, Yp);     fclose(logfile); }  void BndBlock::LogTimeStep(int logId){     char logurl[120];     FILE* logfile;     sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logId);     logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");     fprintf(logfile, "%i %f ", runstep, runtime);     fclose(logfile); }  double BndBlock::LogCustom(int logid, int modusid){

To write a log file with customized data. Delete or add routines as you like.

    char logurl[120];     FILE* logfile;     double xcm, ycm, perimeter;     int imax;          switch(modusid){         case 0:             break;         case 1:         {             //  FOR ARTULAM             double perimeter = 0;             for(int i=0; i<Elements[1].PanelSize[0];i++){                 perimeter += sqrt( pow(Elements[1].XId[0][i+1]-Elements[1].XId[0][i] ,2)+pow(Elements[1].YId[0][i+1]-Elements[1].YId[0][i],2));                              }                          sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logid);             logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");             getCoM(1, xcm, ycm);             someWay += xcm;             fprintf(logfile, "%f %f %f %f\n", xcm, ycm, perimeter, runtime);             fclose(logfile);             return xcm;             break;         }         case 2:         {             // FOR CORDERO STRETCH             perimeter = 0;             double xmax = -10.0;             double xmin = 10.0;             double ymax = -10.0;             double ymin = 10.0;                          for(int i=0; i<Elements[1].PanelSize[0];i++){                 perimeter += sqrt( pow(Elements[1].XId[0][i+1]-Elements[1].XId[0][i] ,2)+pow(Elements[1].YId[0][i+1]-Elements[1].YId[0][i],2));                 xmax = max(xmax, Elements[1].XId[0][i]);                 xmin = min(xmin, Elements[1].XId[0][i]);                 ymax = max(ymax, Elements[1].YId[0][i]);                 ymin = min(ymin, Elements[1].YId[0][i]);                              }                          char logurl[120];             FILE* logfile;             sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logid);             logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");             getCoM(1, xcm, ycm);             someWay += xcm;             fprintf(logfile, "%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", xcm, ycm, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, perimeter, runtime);             fclose(logfile);             return xcm;             break;         }         case 3:         {             //get extreme points for relax study             double ynord, ysud, xest, xouest, kapnord, kapsud, kapest, kapouest;             int blockid = ifblock;  // Droplet Element             sprintf(logurl,"%s/log%i.txt", workdir.c_str(),logid);             logfile = fopen(logurl, "a");             double nordmin, sudmin, estmin, ouestmin;             int imin, jmax, jmin;             double *XA = Elements[blockid].XId[0];             double *YA = Elements[blockid].YId[0];                          nordmin = 10;             sudmin = 10;             estmin =10;             ouestmin = 10;                          for (int j=0; j<Elements[blockid].PanelSize[0]; j++) {                 if ((YA[j]>0)&&(fabs(XA[j])<nordmin)) {                     nordmin = fabs(XA[j]);                     jmax = j;                 }                 if ((YA[j]<0)&&(fabs(XA[j])<sudmin)) {                     sudmin = fabs(XA[j]);                     jmin = j;                 }                                  if ((XA[j]>0)&&(fabs(YA[j])<estmin)) {                     estmin = fabs(YA[j]);                     imax = j;                 }                 if ((XA[j]<0)&&(fabs(YA[j])<ouestmin)) {                     ouestmin = fabs(YA[j]);                     imin = j;                 }             }                          UpdateCourbure(blockid);             kapnord = Elements[blockid].KC[jmax];             kapsud = Elements[blockid].KC[jmin];             kapest = Elements[blockid].KC[imax];             kapouest = Elements[blockid].KC[imin];                          ynord = YA[jmax];             ysud = YA[jmin];             xest = XA[imax];             xouest = XA[imin];                                       fprintf(logfile, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", runtime, kapnord, kapsud, kapest, kapouest, ynord, ysud, xest, xouest);             fclose(logfile);             return kapest;             break;              }     }     return 0; }   void BndBlock::DisableWrite(){     writeEnabled = 0; }

Dedicated to determine basic droplet statistics

double BndBlock::getArea(int blockId){

Integration of the droplet Area

    double xgs, ygs, dx, dy, r, lnx, lny;     int nbElms = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     double A = 0.0;          double *Xc = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     double *Yc = Elements[blockId].YId[0];          if (Elements[blockId].BCkind!=3)     {         WrapInterface(blockId);         for(int n=0; n<nbElms; n++){             xgs = 0.5*(Xc[n+1]+Xc[n]);             ygs = 0.5*(Yc[n+1]+Yc[n]);             dx = Xc[n+1]-Xc[n];             dy = Yc[n+1]-Yc[n];                              r = dx*dx+dy*dy;             r = sqrt(r);             lnx = dy/r;             lny = -dx/r;             A += r*(xgs*lnx+ygs*lny);         }         A = A*0.5;    // because div(x) = 2 and GW6 integrates over 2 length      }else{              for(int n=-1; n<=nbElms; n++){             xgs = 0.5*(Xc[n+1]+Xc[n]);             ygs = 0.5*(Yc[n+1]+Yc[n]);             dx = Xc[n+1]-Xc[n];             dy = Yc[n+1]-Yc[n];             r = dx*dx+dy*dy;             r = sqrt(r);             lnx = dy/r;             lny = -dx/r;                     A += (ygs*lny+xgs*lnx)*r;         }         A = A*0.5;     }          return A; }  double BndBlock::getCoM(int blockId, double& Xcm, double& Ycm){

Integration of center of area

    double xgs, ygs, dx, dy, r, lnx, lny;     int nbElms;          double* Xc = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     double* Yc = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     double A = 0.0;     nbElms = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();      A = 0;     Xcm = 0;     Ycm = 0;     for(int n=0; n<nbElms; n++){         xgs = 0.5*(Xc[n+1]+Xc[n]);         ygs = 0.5*(Yc[n+1]+Yc[n]);         dx = Xc[n+1]-Xc[n];         dy = Yc[n+1]-Yc[n];         r = dx*dx+dy*dy;         r = sqrt(r);         lnx = dy/r;         lny = -dx/r;                  A += ygs*lny*r;
   A -= xgs*lnx*r;
        Xcm += r*xgs*ygs*lny;         Ycm += r*0.5*ygs*ygs*lny;     }     Xcm = Xcm/A;     Ycm = Ycm/A;          return A; }  double BndBlock::getHiMo(int blockId, double& Xcm, double& Ycm, double& Mcm){

Integration of center of area

    double xgs, ygs, dx, dy, x1, y1, r, lnx, lny;     int nbElms;     double* Xc = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     double* Yc = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     double A = 0.0;     Xcm = 0.0;     Ycm = 0.0;     Mcm = 0.0;      nbElms = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     for(int n=0; n<nbElms; n++){         xgs = 0.5*(Xc[n+1]+Xc[n]);         ygs = 0.5*(Yc[n+1]+Yc[n]);         dx = Xc[n+1]-Xc[n];         dy = Yc[n+1]-Yc[n];                          r = dx*dx+dy*dy;         r = sqrt(r);         lnx = dy/r;         lny = -dx/r;                  for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {         x1 = xgs+dx*IGP[i]*0.5;         y1 = ygs+dy*IGP[i]*0.5;         A += r*(x1*lnx+y1*lny)*0.5*IGW[i];         Xcm += r*(y1*x1*lny)*0.5*IGW[i];         Ycm += r*(y1*x1*lnx)*0.5*IGW[i];              //    Mcm += r*(x1*y1*y1*lnx+x1*x1*y1*lny);         }     }          Xcm = 2.0*Xcm/A;     Ycm = 2.0*Ycm/A;     A = -A/2.0;          for(int n=0; n<nbElms; n++){         xgs = 0.5*(Xc[n+1]+Xc[n])-Xcm;         ygs = 0.5*(Yc[n+1]+Yc[n])-Ycm;         dx = Xc[n+1]-Xc[n];         dy = Yc[n+1]-Yc[n];         r = dx*dx+dy*dy;         r = sqrt(r);         lnx = dy/r;         lny = -dx/r;                  for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {             x1 = xgs+dx*IGP[i]*0.5;             y1 = ygs+dy*IGP[i]*0.5;             Mcm += r*(x1*y1*y1*lnx+x1*x1*y1*lny)*IGW[i]*0.5;        }     }     Mcm = -Mcm;     return A; }  void BndBlock::LoadNOrder(int blockId){

Compute 5th order polynomial of the droplet interfaces No longer functional because no memory assigned to polynomial coefficients

    int order = 5;      double *FaceX;     double *FaceY;     int size;     double *AR = new double[order*order];     double *rhsx = new double[order];     double *rhsy = new double[order];     double dx,dy,rp;     int ip,rs, frac;          FaceX = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     FaceY = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     size = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();          for (int k = 0; k<size; k++) {         frac = (order+0.5)/2;         ip = 0;         rs = -1.0;         for (int i = 0; i<order; i++) {             if(i==frac){                 ip++;                 rs = 1;             }             dx = FaceX[k+ip-frac]-FaceX[k];             dy = FaceY[k+ip-frac]-FaceY[k];             rp = rs*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);             rhsx[i] = dx;             rhsy[i] = dy;             for (int j = 0; j<order; j++) {                 AR[i+j*order] = pow(rp,j+1);             }             ip++;         }         dgsev2rhs(AR, rhsx, rhsy, order);     } }

Dedicated to Remeshing

void BndBlock::SeedDrop(){     if (rlim>0.0) {         for (int j=ifblock; j<nbBlocks; j++) {             SeedEquiDist(j, rlim);         }     } }  void BndBlock::RemeshOn(double targetsize, int modus){     rlim = targetsize;     SeedOption = modus;      }  void BndBlock::SeedEquiDist(int blockId, double limp){

Redistributes the droplet elements uniformly

    int order = 3;     double *XA, *XB;     double *YA, *YB;     double* AR = new double[order*order];     double *ace = new double[order];     double *bce = new double[order];     double rd, dx, dy, newx, newy, rmin, rnorm,rp;     int jump, size, ReDist;     int decal = 0;     double rmax;     double dsremain = 0;     int nremain=0;     double difadap=0;      int ip,rs, frac;          XB = Elements[blockId].XId[0];     YB = Elements[blockId].YId[0];     XA = &Elements[blockId].IntfX[5];     YA = &Elements[blockId].IntfY[5];          jump = 0;     size = Elements[blockId].getFullSize();     ReDist = 0;          rmax = remesh_threshold*limp;     rmin = limp/remesh_threshold;          dx = XB[-1]-XB[0];     dy = YB[-1]-YB[0];     rd = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);          if((rd>rmax)||(rd<rmin)){         ReDist = 1;     }          int kstart = 1;     if(Elements[blockId].BCkind==3){         jump--;         kstart=0;     }          for (int k=kstart; k<=size; k++) { // k should be 1         dx = XB[k]-XB[k-1];         dy = YB[k]-YB[k-1];         rd = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);                  if((rd>rmax)||(rd<rmin)){             ReDist = 1;             break;         }     }          if(ReDist){         Stock(blockId);  //      LoadNOrder(blockId);         //Copy Point         XB[decal] = XA[kstart-1];         YB[decal] = YA[kstart-1];                  rnorm = limp;         for (int k=kstart; k<=(size); k++) {  // k should be 1             dx = XA[k]-XA[k-1];             dy = YA[k]-YA[k-1];             rd = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);

This piece of code smoothes over the last elements the distance so no reconnection no size contrast exists

            if (k>=size-10) {                 dsremain = limp-rnorm;                 for (int j=k; j<=size; j++) {                     dx = XA[k]-XA[k-1];                     dy = YA[k]-YA[k-1];                     dsremain += sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);                 }                 nremain = int(round(dsremain/limp));                 difadap = (dsremain/(nremain*limp));                 rnorm += (difadap-1.0)*limp;                 limp = limp*difadap;             }                          {                 frac = int((order+0.5)/2.0);                 ip = 0;                 rs = -1.0;                 for (int i = 0; i<order; i++) {                     if(i==frac){                         ip++;                         rs = 1;                     }                     dx = XA[k+ip-frac-1]-XA[k-1];                     dy = YA[k+ip-frac-1]-YA[k-1];                     rp = rs*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);                     ace[i] = dx;                     bce[i] = dy;                     for (int j = 0; j<order; j++) {                         AR[i+j*order] = pow(rp,j+1);                     }                     ip++;                 }             }             dgsev2rhs(AR, ace, bce, order);                                       while (rnorm<rd){                 newx = XA[k-1];                 newy = YA[k-1];                 for (int j=0; j<order; j++) {                     newx += ace[j]*pow(rnorm, j+1);                     newy += bce[j]*pow(rnorm, j+1);                 }                 jump++;                 XB[jump+decal] = newx;                 YB[jump+decal] = newy;                 rnorm += limp;                              }             rnorm += -rd;         }                  if (Elements[blockId].BCkind==3) {             rd = sqrt(pow(XB[jump]-XA[size],2) + pow(YB[jump]-YA[size],2));         } else {             rd = sqrt(pow(XB[jump+decal]-XB[decal],2) + pow(YB[jump+decal]-YB[decal],2));         }                           if(Elements[blockId].BCkind!=3){             jump += (rd>(0.75*limp));                          for (int k=0; k<decal; k++) {                 XB[k] = XB[jump+k];                 YB[k] = YB[jump+k];             }         } else {             jump += (rd>(0.5*limp));               XB[-1] = XA[-1];             YB[-1] = YA[-1];                          XB[jump] = XA[size];             YB[jump] = YA[size];         }                  Elements[blockId].PanelSize[0] = jump;         std::cout<<"\br";                        }          allSize[ifid+blockId-ifblock] = Elements[blockId].PanelSize[0];          WrapInterface(blockId);     Stock(blockId); }

void BndBlock::SeedVarDist(int blockId, double rliming){

Ubiquitous subroutines

void BndBlock::allWrite(){     for (int k=0; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         if((Elements[k].BCkind>0)||(runstep==0)){             WritePos(k, runstep);         }     }      }  void BndBlock::allStock(){     for (int k=0; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         if(Elements[k].BCkind>0){             Stock(k);         }     } }  void BndBlock::allEvolve(double weightOldPos, double weightNewPos, double deltaT, double *Uvec){     int index = 0;          /*   for (int k=0; k<ifblock; k++) {      index += 2*Elements[k].getFullSize();      }      */     for (int k=ifblock; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         Evolve(k, weightOldPos, weightNewPos, deltaT, &Uvec[index]);         index += 2*Elements[k].getFullSize();     } }  void BndBlock::WrapAll(){     for (int k=dynblock; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         WrapInterface(k);     } }  int BndBlock::getFixSize(){     int size=0;     for (int k=0; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         if(Elements[k].BCkind>0){             break;         }         size += Elements[k].getFullSize();     }     return size; }  int BndBlock::getAllSize(){     int size=0;     for (int k=0; k<nbBlocks; k++) {         size += 2*Elements[k].getFullSize();         if (Elements[k].BCkind==1) {             size += 3;         }     }     return size; }

Created by Mathias Nagel on 31.05.12.

Copyright (c) 2012 EPFL. All rights reserved.